I'm looking to get a period correct aftermarket Tach for my dads '64 Corvair convert. Ever since he got it I told him he needed one, he agrees.
Anyone know what to look for?
I like the new Stewart Warner Power series. It looks kind of like GM gauges of the 60's. The only problem is, they sell them in a set according to their website.

Electric or mechanical tach?
I belive somewhere i've got a speedo and Mech tech from SW that are close to NOS from the late 60's
I'll have to dig....but i know tach was mech
Sunpro retro tach would be a good choice,
For a clean old-school look I like these:
Classic Instruments Hot Rod series:

Classic Instruments Bomber series (couldn't find a pic of just the tach):

VDO Series 1:

6/22/11 7:59 a.m.
I love the VDOs. It's the only one that doesn't look like a new gauge trying to look old.
the bomber series is cool
Stack makes a wicked cool classic tach but it is $500.
In reply to 44Dwarf:
Electric, it would be easier to deal with.
I like the bomber series- I might have to find a car to put those in...
Find the size and mechanism you like, find (or capture) an image of the period correct face that you need, use photoprinter to create the face (or go to Kinko's), trim to fit, install in instrument.
In reply to erohslc:
That's a great idea, but most aftermarket gauge faces are usually sealed.
The Sunpro tach mentioned above is probably the best bet - it's a very accurate replica of an early 1960s Sun tachometer. They also sell a reproduction of the late 1960s/early 1970s Sun Super Tach.
There are lots of ads for period correct gauges, or NOS, or rebuild yours in Hemmings.
let me correct that for you: 
triumph5 wrote:
There are ads for period correct gauges, or NOS, or rebuild yours in Classic Motorsports
Nisonger Instruments