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Cotton SuperDork
4/18/13 12:06 p.m.
b13990 wrote: In reply to HappyAndy: How about the fact that trucks are just ugly and make a neighborhood look cheap?

My truck is pretty and your neighborhood already looks cheap.

93EXCivic MegaDork
4/18/13 12:20 p.m.

In reply to b13990:

Your realize some people actually need trucks right?

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
4/18/13 12:34 p.m.
b13990 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote: Muscle car tax? Dafuq?
It exists, in the USA at least: CAFE, bumper requirements, and emissions requirements all hit muscle cars hard but didn't affect trucks. Taxing trucks sounds Communist... it's really just a rationalization of some misguided taxes we already have.

That affected every car, not just muscle cars. And regulations are not a “tax".

DoctorBlade SuperDork
4/18/13 12:39 p.m.
b13990 wrote: How about the fact that trucks are just ugly and make a neighborhood look cheap?

If you're from New Orleans, you've got more problems than just trucks tearing up roads. I see more trucks on the road around here (I'm not in Louisiana) than most people on this board, I'd wager (unless someone lives in Texas, I suppose). They all, from beater to lifted (which I don't see much of) get used and abused at one point or another. Or frequently. With all the roofing companies in town I'm seeing more lifted 3/4 ton duallys than normal, but they're all at the HD picking up trailers of roofing stuff each day. They work, I won't complain.

ebonyandivory Reader
4/18/13 12:44 p.m.

I can't wait to get home to tell my neighbor, you know, the retired guy that spends every waking minute on manicuring his lawn or painting his house or touching up the sealcoat on his driveway that his truck is ruining the look of the neighborhood!

(Is it April 1st again!)

b13990 New Reader
4/18/13 1:15 p.m.
DoctorBlade wrote:
b13990 wrote: How about the fact that trucks are just ugly and make a neighborhood look cheap?
If you're from New Orleans, you've got more problems than just trucks tearing up roads. I see more trucks on the road around here (I'm not in Louisiana) than most people on this board, I'd wager (unless someone lives in Texas, I suppose). They all, from beater to lifted (which I don't see much of) get used and abused at one point or another. Or frequently. With all the roofing companies in town I'm seeing more lifted 3/4 ton duallys than normal, but they're all at the HD picking up trailers of roofing stuff each day. They work, I won't complain.

I'm not sure what other problems you think I should be worried about, but if you've just scraped your oil pan into a pothole, that has a way of overwhelming other concerns.

And yeah, I see a lot of guys working out of their trucks... mowing grass out of their 4x4s, hauling 80lbs of vinyl siding in their F-350, etcetera. Since I'm, you know, not a 16-year-old girl with low self-esteem, these ruses don't work on me.

Kenny_McCormic Dork
4/18/13 1:24 p.m.
b13990 wrote: In reply to Cotton: Big trucks tear up the public infrastructure. Also, a lot of the big truck phenomenon originates from the car-specific regulations and requirements that have been put in place since 1970 or so. People used to drive GTOs, Mustangs, Cutlasses, and 442s until we taxed them out of existence. Then, they started driving Lil' Red Express Trucks, Land Rovers, Lightings, Explorers, and the like. All I'm saying is that maybe we taxed the wrong thing out of existence.

Close, what really happened was CAFE forced people out of their big luxo barges into big luxo trucks. The full size station wagon was replaced by the SUV. Ever notice that a lot of newer half tons have one finger ultra vague power steering? Its a real bitch if you're towing something wide, or have it loaded down enough to take some weight off the front end. Its nice if you bought it to treat it like a Buick, not so much if you're working.

The muscle car died from unleaded fuel and emissions.

slantvaliant SuperDork
4/18/13 1:29 p.m.

There seems to be a lot of interest in 16-year-old girls and other people's genitalia in this thread. Just sayin' ...

93EXCivic MegaDork
4/18/13 2:11 p.m.

b13990 New Reader
4/18/13 2:41 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
b13990 wrote: In reply to Cotton: Big trucks tear up the public infrastructure. Also, a lot of the big truck phenomenon originates from the car-specific regulations and requirements that have been put in place since 1970 or so. People used to drive GTOs, Mustangs, Cutlasses, and 442s until we taxed them out of existence. Then, they started driving Lil' Red Express Trucks, Land Rovers, Lightings, Explorers, and the like. All I'm saying is that maybe we taxed the wrong thing out of existence.
Close, what really happened was CAFE forced people out of their big luxo barges into big luxo trucks. The full size station wagon was replaced by the SUV. Ever notice that a lot of newer half tons have one finger ultra vague power steering? Its a real bitch if you're towing something wide, or have it loaded down enough to take some weight off the front end. Its nice if you bought it to treat it like a Buick, not so much if you're working. The muscle car died from unleaded fuel and emissions.

This is basically what I was referring to (and better-stated than my post).

b13990 New Reader
4/18/13 2:45 p.m.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
b13990 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote: Muscle car tax? Dafuq?
It exists, in the USA at least: CAFE, bumper requirements, and emissions requirements all hit muscle cars hard but didn't affect trucks. Taxing trucks sounds Communist... it's really just a rationalization of some misguided taxes we already have.
That affected every car, not just muscle cars. And regulations are not a “tax".

CAFE affects cars and trucks disproportionately. The disparity in emissions regulations is even more dramatic. Try "rollin' coal" in a street-driven Fox body... the state will revoke your highway privileges.

Regulations are not exactly taxes, but they're fundamentally similar.

93EXCivic MegaDork
4/18/13 2:49 p.m.
b13990 wrote: Try "rollin' coal" in a street-driven Fox body... the state will revoke your highway privileges.

HAHAHA. Oh wait you're serious...

Curmudgeon MegaDork
4/18/13 3:55 p.m.

I worked for a HUMMER dealer for a while and lemme tell you there were 2 kinds of HUMMER owners:

H1. Generally a business owner who had a real need for the thing, ex a guy who owned a pool company. It could tow his Bobcat and get into smaller areas than a dump truck.

H2. 99% poseurs. Generally a 'small wang' type, a case of 'little man syndrome' and more than a few young girls who had not a clue. These were the kind of people who would have been sitting on flagpoles back in the '20's, they wanted ATTENTION RIGHT NOW DAMMIT AND WOULD HOLD THEIR BREATH TILL THEY TURNED BLUE if they were not the automatic center of everyone's universe immediately. I was SO glad to put that place in my rear view mirror for the last time.

So where I am now, the diesel dually has replaced both of these. I see about a 40/60 split; 40% business owners with a legit need and 60% poseurs who just want to be seen dropping their kids off at school in one.

irish44j UltraDork
4/18/13 4:14 p.m.
b13990 wrote: I'm equally offended by the people who put USMC or Ranger stickers on their trucks. If I ask them about their sticker, it's a "gesture of support." If a naive 16-year-old girl asks, the dude will say he just got back from Afghanistan. Oh, and all of these dudes are apparently volunteer fire-starters as well. It's all about THEIR personal glory.

That said, i work on a military base and there are more than plenty of servicement (mostly junior enlisted, less NCOs or officers) driving giant pickups and jeeps. And many of them actually are USMC or SOF....

Still doesn't make it cool though.

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
4/18/13 4:57 p.m.
b13990 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
b13990 wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote: Muscle car tax? Dafuq?
It exists, in the USA at least: CAFE, bumper requirements, and emissions requirements all hit muscle cars hard but didn't affect trucks. Taxing trucks sounds Communist... it's really just a rationalization of some misguided taxes we already have.
That affected every car, not just muscle cars. And regulations are not a “tax".
CAFE affects cars and trucks disproportionately. The disparity in emissions regulations is even more dramatic. Try "rollin' coal" in a street-driven Fox body... the state will revoke your highway privileges. Regulations are not exactly taxes, but they're fundamentally similar.

Obviously, you missed my point. CAFE affected ALL cars, not just muscle cars.

All vehicles - cars AND trucks - registered in my part of the nation have to pass the SAME emission standards, but diesels get an exemption, which brings me to point 3.

Diesel Mustang? Oh hell, yeah, gimme one of those!

crankwalk Reader
4/18/13 5:24 p.m.

I have to deal with the Monster energy drink bro- types AND rednecks sometimes at the diesel pump when I am filling up my Jetta. Reactions include:

laughing because I'm going to break my car from putting diesel in it.

Get out of the way, you are blocking the diesel.

and, quite rare but it has happened "How many mpgs do you get with that little diesel car?"

Toyman01 PowerDork
4/18/13 6:28 p.m.
HappyAndy wrote:
Toyman01 wrote: Maybe this will make you feel better. Posers they aren't. It would probably help if I added the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxxt8slNaF8
Posers or not, they are trail wreckers and all have small penises. TBH, when I was a kid I thought that monster lifted 4×4s were awsome. I out grew that pretty quickly when I encountered the damage that they caused to the off roading areas in southern NJ, where I grew up. Its a terrible irony that as the state parks cracked down on dirtbikes, the monster lifted 4×4s got a pass, because they were street legal. I like off roading and 4×4s, but that video highlights the worst of off roading. I hope that vidoeyou was madethe on private property , but with a flowing body of water, I highly doubt it. Now get off my lawn! . .

Yes, private property. Sabine River Rats in Texas.

LainfordExpress HalfDork
4/18/13 6:41 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: What I don't understand is how folks manage WITHOUT a truck or manage WITH a truck that isn't good at doing truck things.

Easy. The only thing better than owning a truck is having a friend that owns a truck.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
4/18/13 7:43 p.m.

In reply to LainfordExpress:

Eventually, that friend will tell you to go fornicate yourself.

Jamesc2123 Reader
4/18/13 7:50 p.m.

In reply to Trans_Maro:

Everyone I know with a truck, as far as I can tell, is just sitting around by the phone waiting for someone to call them. They will JUMP at the chance to have a purpose for their big cool carrying machine and meet me to transport whatever odd or irregular object will not fit in my puny impractical compact.

Yes you may really use your truck 8 days out of the week, but you should keep in mind that does make you part of the 1% of truck owners, maybe less.

AverageH New Reader
4/18/13 7:55 p.m.

In reply to Trans_Maro:

Pfft. No. Daily driving a miata for 17 years proves that it's not always necessary to own a truck. Yeah, they're useful for some people, so I get it. Real friends don't care about loaning out their rig, and as an added bonus they get to hoon in my 250hp miata while I'm using the truck. That's how you do it.


Trans_Maro SuperDork
4/18/13 11:51 p.m.

I must be the only guy who rarely lends his E36 M3 out.

I'm also the guy who rarely gets his E36 M3 berkeleyed up too.

I will do favours for friend if asked, it's generally not a problem. Very few of my friends don't own a truck of some sort.

That being said, I live in a more rural area so trucks out here tend to be tools not toys.

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