4/30/11 11:33 p.m.
This might be a little last minute but if you are looking for a huge car show to attend, there is going to be one at the Morgantown, PA Sonic later today from noon to five pm. Last year there was over 700 cars and tons more are expected this year. Here is more info about the show:
If you go, i'll be there in my grey Honda Fit. Make sure to stop by and say hello.
My sister lives directly across Rte 23 from Sonic. Make sure you make LOTS of noise. 

Oh, and her house is for sale if you want to move closer to the next car show 
Ah nuts. That's only 20 minutes from here. Spent the day in the garage, so it wasn't a total waste of the day.
There is a group of guys cruising down from state college (many other places as well). I didn't make the trip because I guilted myself into studying for two finals.