My CRX HF alloys were painted black. Is there any easy, safe way to remove it?
I hate this most of the time, but see it done a lot.
If it's just spray paint, try Easy-Off oven cleaner.
You'll still have to repaint them silver to make them look nice, but so if you've got access to more aggressive paint removal equipment (media blaster?) go for it.
I stripped my gold RX-7 wheels with Strip Ease. It worked pretty well. I still had to do some blasting to remove some corrosion, but it removed the paint without any problems. I won;t leave you a nice finish on the aluminum though. You will need to repaint.
The Jasco leaves a decent finish on the aluminum. Did anyone know the faces of Miata wheel spokes were polished under the factory paint?
Looks like I'll try the Jasco and will keep in mind the other tips (thanks). I wonder, if I decide they need it, if a mild polish would bring back a bit of the luster after using the Jasco.
Acetone will slowly dissolve the paint and not harm the aluminum at all. It will however strip off any clearcoat that be on the wheel. Of course, in August it evaporates almost instantly.
Keith wrote: Did anyone know the faces of Miata wheel spokes were polished under the factory paint?
Just the Daisies or are the 94-97 14's polished, too?
Daisys would look neat with the polished left bare and the rest painted something dark. I don't think I could tape well enough to make them look good, though.
toddgreene wrote: Acetone will slowly dissolve the paint and not harm the aluminum at all. It will however strip off any clearcoat that be on the wheel. Of course, in August it evaporates almost instantly. Todd
Umm, that's different from what I've been told.
One of the local gas engine shops that my repair shop contracted to built competition chansaws (loggers sports).
The ran a lot of acteone in the fuel mix for more octane, apparently if you didn't drain the tank, you'd have a hole in it by morning.
I would try graffiti remover and supper fine steel wool. Just lets the graffiti remover sit for a few minutes and then scrub with the steel wool afterwards washing with hot water. Graffiti remover is designed to only attack one layer at a time.
Wow, is that graffiti remover pulling off a crap brown paint job to reveal baby blue goodness? That's impressive.
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