There are billions of people in this world who have no say in their government. Those of us in the United States have the right and I'd argue the responsibility to choose their elected officials. You can't get your voice heard if you don't vote.
I know politics are very polarizing normally and especially now but there is one thing we can all do together and that's vote.

Mailed my absentee ballot in. Now, does AirBNB rent large rocks? I'd like to live under one until we find out who won this election.
Everyone in our house has already returned our absentee ballots.
Ours have been 'received' for ~two weeks at this point. No idea if they will be counted. At this point, I'm just happy they made it through our* convoluted mail system (*specifically the hurdles the sleepyhead mail has to navigate in particular).
10/21/20 7:11 a.m.
I might have been the first person in the state of FL to vote....E-mailed ballot was faxed in less than one hour after receiving it. Love that FL tracks it as received and counted.
Virginia has been allowing "early in-person" voting, so I went and voted at the government center a week or so back. Easy! No line, took about five minutes, in and out.
Regardless of your views on anything, voter turnout is so so sad in our country. Everyone has the right to vote and what, 50-some percent of people exercise it for a Presidential election? Maybe not even that high of a number for more local politics. Go research, go form an opinion, go vote.
Voted Monday. Our county has 8 sites available for in person voting and the process was super quick and easy.
In previous cycles we've used an entirely electronic system but this year it's a paper ballot that gets fed into a scantron machine. I'm pleased there is a paper record of all votes cast.
Early in-person started in my precinct Monday. I've been checking the lines every day as I go/come from work. They've been huge. I'm waiting until tomorrow to see if the wait gets better, but I'm going even if it doesn't.
Local news is reporting something like a 140% increase over last year's turnout already with nearly 2 weeks to go, which is mind blowing. I saw a graphic not long ago based on registered voters and actual turnout in the last presidential election, and if "didn't vote" had been a candidate they would have taken over 40 states outright.
I don't care who you vote for, but you've got to vote.
Voted, as have all my close family and friends.
sleepyhead the buffalo said:
Ours have been 'received' for ~two weeks at this point. No idea if they will be counted. At this point, I'm just happy they made it through our* convoluted mail system (*specifically the hurdles the sleepyhead mail has to navigate in particular).
I got video proof/gps proof that our mail man steals our and others mail and usps/post Master general don't seem to care a bit.
Call me a traditionalist. I'm voting in person. On election day. berkeley Wuhan. berkeley voter fraud.
Is this thread about The GRM $2000 Challenge judging?
I didn't realize I could vote!
I did not realize I could vote early!
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
We can vote early in person here.
I mailed mine and received notification that it had been received last week.
Got our mail in ballots early, dropped them off at the county's official polling place weeks ago. Tired of the ads still coming, as there is nothing I can do at this point and I didn't listen to them anyway, but it'll only be a few more weeks.
We both voted two weeks ago via mail.
For the Greatest Show On Earth, we live in one of those states where our vote is only worth 12.8% of a "Real 'merican's!" so even if there's some ballet foolery we already know which way the state will go. That doesn't matter too much, either since we're not a "swing state."
But all the other elections are important!
10/21/20 8:54 a.m.
WonkoTheSane (Forum Supporter) said:
We both voted two weeks ago via mail.
For the Greatest Show On Earth, we live in one of those states where our vote is only worth 12.8% of a "Real 'merican's!"
Can you expand on that? Me no understand.
10/21/20 8:57 a.m.
Given how crappily Florida has treated mail-in ballots in the past (ie, not looking at them unless a district is tight) I've opted to go in person.
Lines were hellish Monday, Tuesday they were semi-hellish, I'm hoping today looks good.
10/21/20 9:10 a.m.
I did early voting. In my county it was just like election day, same machines and everything.
Only weird thing was they gave me a "finger condom" to put on my index finger with instructions to operate the machines only with that protected finger. Thing looks like what one would find in the pockets of the 7 dwarves.
I registered to vote and requested a mail in ballot. I'm in Florida. I'm really hoping that the ballot shows up here any day. I'm hesitant to mail it back so I'm looking for a drop box.
10/21/20 9:33 a.m.
My wife, daughter and I voted in person / early voting last Saturday. The town had everything set up as for regular in person elections and we were in and out in less than 10 minutes. Turnout is reported to be pretty strong here but it should be for every election; I think we'd get better long term results with greater participation. It's the most patriotic thing a citizen can do other than joining the military in my opinion.
Voting on the day of.
Really just ready for this E36 M3show to be over.
Our ballots were dropped off Sunday at the drop box and accepted for counting yesterday afternoon. I'm never going on election day again. Lines at the BOE for early voting in person have been around the parking lot when I've driven by.
Leaving all politics aside, there's no reason we cannot reliably do this online at this point aside of one, the same reason certain states only have one drop box per county. They - those in power in the old guard on both sides - don't want everyone to be able to easily access their voting rights.
Imma vote in person on election day. I figure, if I can mask up and go to the grocery store, I can mask up and go to my polling place.