Morale was high. Spirits were light. We had effectively torn the car completely apart and buttoned it back up in two weeks, and we were about to start the ChumpCar RVA Graphics 14 Hours of Daytona this past weekend.
After unloading our turbocharged Mazda Miata into our garage space, we made a cou…
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I made it a full hour in before the tensioner pulley broke and the timing belt came off the KSR 300Z. Even our second SC300 was experiencing problems. But our third car led from just about start to finish
4/3/17 6:44 p.m.
Did you receive any penalty laps with the turbo? What was the cars point "valuation?"
Been there done that except it involved a ten hour ride home so we scavenged the parts stores with in a hundred mile radius for head gasket and got good at changing them every three or four hours. Oh the fun of endurance racing. 
4/3/17 8:19 p.m.
Blue devil head gasket sealant....
Just saying.
Actually, we were at 524 points. 375 for the car, 100 for the turbo, 25 for the intercooler, 20 for the radiator, and 4 for the aluminum we used to build some radiator ducting. That meant 3 penalty laps.
Sorry to hear about the misfortune!
What PSI did you guys end up running your RE-71Rs at? I've got a brand new set on my Miata and I'd appreciate a starting point :)
Any time! And if it helps, we run 2 degrees of negative camber, too. More didn't seem to help tire temps at all–these don't have the grip of race slicks to take advantage of it.