I know there are some die hard Saturn guys on here...
Help me out please.
Got a 1996 Saturn Sl2 (1.9 DOHC, auto) and the brake pedal sinks to the floor. Ok, no biggie, needs a brake master cylinder.
Here is the tricky part. It says you need to use a computer in the OBDII port to release the ABS in order to remove the master cylinder properly. You need to use the computer to bleed it too. (?)
Problem is it wont do anything. We plugged two computers to it (snap-on red brick and genesis scanner) and it wont let us into the ABS stuff.
So what do i do now?
More importantly how do i replace the brake master cylinder on my saturn? write up? This ABS is nonsense...
Thanks so much for your help as always
I can't speed for the SL2 myself, but with ABS you typically do have to use a scanner to bleed the ABS.
I think you have the Delco VI system (the ABS module is connected right to the output ports of the MC), if so with the Tech 1 or similar scan tool, select the F4 ABS Test mode, then select the F0 manual control option. You can now command the rear motor to drive the pistons to the home position.
E-mail Genesis to see if they can help you locate that function.
anything else about the actual replacement of the brake master cylinder? wrtie up anywhere? pictures help
i wonder is you reverse bleed the brake system. assuming theres no air in the abs pump. that might work. i did that on a early 90's caddy
By the book, yes, you need the scan tool to bleed all of the fluid, ABS reservoir included. There is a Saturn (or is it GM) specific tool to accomplish this.
In reality, there's a much easier way to do this:
Bleed the brake system as you normally would.
Go for a drive, and stomp on the brakes to activate ABS several times.
Bleed the brake system again and you're done. 
During a normal bleeding, the only fluid that doesn't get changed out is what's in the ABS loop at the time. So by activating ABS, you get that fluid out and suck the fresh fluid in. Then a second bleeding flushes the fluid that was in the ABS loop the first time out of the system.
As far as the master cylinder is concerned, a quick search on www.sixthsphere.com turned up this thread: http://www.sixthsphere.com/smf/index.php?topic=40661.0
If you bench bleed the master, you will not be in too much trouble. Avoid pumping air into the rest of the system, and you won't have to bleed any out.
The scan tool you need is called a tech 2.Go to the junkyard and buy a used abs/master cylinder,Bleed lines going to it ,you will be fine. Make sure your front caliper pins are free and rear drums are adjusted,before you waste time on the master cylinder.Low brake pedal is a major complaint on those cars.
well my dad installed a new master cylinder, and he installed it. bled it at the master, bled it at wheels. nothing. drove it to engage ABS came back bled at master (now with more fluid comin out) bled bled and then bled at the wheels. nothing, took it to firestone, they bleed and bleed with a computer and what not and STILL nothing
Go to the junkyard and buy a used abs/master cylinder,Bleed lines going to it.DO NOT OPEN ANY BLEEDER VALVES ON THE UNIT,bleed just the lines going to it.If there is still no pedal,check front/rear calipers,sliders.Remember the newer the pads/shoes the better the brake pedal,worn out=low brake pedal,if slider pins are seized,it almost feels like there is no brakes,may sound stupid but its a saturn,good luck
ok. get ready to be weirded out by this.
same saturn.
Put on new master cylinder- nothing
Bled it bled it bled it--nothing
Went and bought a used but great condition ABS assembly and master cylinder off a lower mile saturn. installed it. bled the thing like normal.
Here is the trippy part.
On jack stands in the air we bleed it and have a great pedal it feels great like it should. Turn car on...brakes still feel great. So we put wheels back on and get it ready for a test drive.
Car on the ground now, start the darn thing and the pedal GOES TO THE FLOOR! 
WHATS HAPPENING?! haha this is nuts
I've had a similar issue with my Saturns. Try driving it around on deserted roads, stopping a lot using different pedal pressures. Freaky thing is that all of a sudden, it will be fine, and it will stay fine.
dad did that the other day. still nothing. Same procedure as we did tonight. Its just not going.
Go get a toyota, I understand you get get them for a really good price now, and they don't have brake problems either....lol