What's the cost of a wheel-to-wheel (W2W) racing license? How much do you think? I'm not including the car cost.
I see cost figures quoted here that do not seem very "grassroots" to me.
I was going to comment about this on another thread, but since that thread was mostly about Lemons anyway, I figured this subject might merit a new, separate thread.
I understand that it can cost big bucks if you are a member of the "arrive and drive" set. I was thinking about those of us who are true grassroots racers and try to do this stuff on a modest budget. Guys like me, who tow with an open trailer and sleep in their van instead of the Hilton.
About seven years ago I decided to get back to road racing after a pretty long hiatus. Since it had been so long, I decided to start "at the bottom". I ran two time trial event in a local club (EMRA) with my street Sprite and did fine. This allowed me to sign up for their two-day race school which I finished with no problems and got a provisional W2W race license. The total cost for the four days of track time and the license was about $600. You could still do that today for a similar cost.
And last year, I wrote to NASA and provided proof of my safe and successful W2W racing in EMRA. They accepted this (along with a currrent medical) and I got my NASA W2W license with no problem. And as of 2008, the SCCA will accept my NASA license to race in regional events (if I add a $300 fire system to my race car).
So I am able to race W2W in many different clubs on a race license that cost me about $600 (plus yearly renewals). You also need a medical every now and again, but my Doc fills them out for free when I go for a regular checkup.
A friend of mine ran a couple of NASA events last year and will take his W2W school to get a race license this year. He was able to start at HPDE3 (faster group but limited passing) due to a little previous track day experience. He moved to HPDE4 (open passing) the next event which allows him to take the W2W school. Assuming he's successful, he'll have a license for maybe $700 or $800.
My purpose here is to clarify the true costs that have been my honest experience. I have seen a fair amount of misinformation on race license costs quoted here (unintentional, I'm sure). I'd hate to see folks scared away from W2W racing because they believe the only way to get a race license is to write a $5000 check to Skip or Roos or whoever. Those are good schools, but you can do it a lot cheaper and still get excellent training.
For $5000 I could get a race license plus build a modest car and run six events. Anyone with a moderate amount of grassroots spirit could do the same thing.
The NASA HPDE-to-race license process is excellent and does not cost a fortune. It is also a nice ladder system that builds up your skill in a logical way. And most NASA regions will allow you to start in a more advanced session if you have any previous experience. Just ask.
For those of you interested in vintage racing, ~VRG~ has a two-day Spring '09 race school at New Hampshire. Cost is less than $450 and they will allow you to use a non-vintage race car (but be sure to call ahead and make arrangements). VRG licenses are accected by most other vintage clubs.
Wheel to wheel racing isn't free and sometimes, the "big rigs" and big-dollar race cars seen at race events can intimidate some folks. But you do not have to be rich to race W2W in NASA or other groups.
If you have a little "grassroots spirit".