Staff, what are the average demographics of the magazine readers? I know that periodically you send out surveys, I've filled them in at least a couple of times over the last however many years it's been. I'm sure the absolute breakdown is a closely guarded secret that allows you to hone the magazine and stay a step ahead of the competition, what competition I'm not sure to me your occupy a unique position in the market place. But can you give us broad brush feel? Age, income, # of cars, do they compete, do they modify them etc.
The reason I ask is I'm absolutely positive that the population who regularly posts here is on average slightly more hard core grass roots (in the low $$ big bang/$ DIY approach) than the general magazine reader.
3/1/10 3:32 p.m.
Most of us are overweight men who live through our computers to escape the dark room we hide from reality in. And we don't usually wear pants. I think. I like to assume everyone is like me.
I recall seeing a Grassroots-produced PDF geared towards advertisers that had the kind of info you're looking for Adrian.
Edit: hidden at the bottom of every page-
The info pertinent to your query is on the left side of page 2.
I am with Lord Waldemont, I have an awesome blue screen sunburn from falling asleep in front of my computer and having windoze crash.
• Over 80% of our readers own 3 or more cars.
3/1/10 3:53 p.m.
Reposted from the media kit:
• Every member of NASA (National Auto Sport
Association) gets Grassroots Motorsports.
• A recent SCCA Membership Survey ranked GRM
the No. 1 most read magazine by SCCA members!
• Over 80% of Grassroots Motorsports readers
actively compete in sanctioned motorsports.
• Young, but not too young: Our readers are in
their 30s (median age 34.9), established and
spending money on their passion. In fact 87%
have an annual income over $75,000, and 31%
have an annual income over $125,000!
• A full 89% of Grassroots Motorsports
readers claim to have bought products
advertised in the magazine in the past year!
• Over 80% of our readers own 3 or more cars.
• Over 80% are considering purchasing a new
car in the next year.
• Over 95% do their own maintenance and
But how many of us wear no pants at our computers? Besides Wally and I, that is? Come to think of it, he and I share a birthday too. 
3/1/10 4:07 p.m.
Now I am seriously considering advertising in the mag. Have never done any form of general population advertising, but with this crowd I don't worry too much about it. Watch out for it. CCTV for the masses!!
3/1/10 4:18 p.m.
Raze wrote:
Young, but not too young: Our readers are in
their 30s (median age 34.9), established and
spending money on their passion. In fact 87%
have an annual income over $75,000, and 31%
have an annual income over $125,000!
Wow, thats a young, rich crowd.
^Seriously... Looks like i've got another 10 years to get up to that level, though. 
wow i'm bringing the avg down. Sorry i'll try and do better
when does the survey usually go out? I always love to offer my help with demographics.
plus this is probably the only survey where I am not an outlier. I just did a media survey, and I am probably the only one replying to it that watched all 18 hours of Daytona 24 hour coverage.
34.9 years old and 31% over $125K.
I'm accepting donations folks !
I'm not too old but at least 87% of you jerks make more money than me.
Too old, too poor, and too lazy. I don't even change the oil in anything other than the Abomination and the RX-7. I guess it's a good thing I didn't fill out one.
When do I get my $125K/yr?
When you get off the computer and go to work.
Just kidding.
Sort of.
3/1/10 7:38 p.m.
You can find the media kits for most magazines online. It's fascinating reading and great for confirming/disproving your stereotypes. Check out the difference between Classic and GRM owners, for example. Then check out a pilot magazine and an import tuner mag
The GRM forum is not indicative of the GRM readership as a whole.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
3/1/10 8:09 p.m.
The surveys go out every two years. We are starting to think about our survey that will go out later in 2010. If you're interested in advertising, you can email me at
3/1/10 8:14 p.m.
Keith wrote:
You can find the media kits for most magazines online. It's fascinating reading and great for confirming/disproving your stereotypes. Check out the difference between Classic and GRM owners, for example. Then check out a pilot magazine and an import tuner mag
The GRM forum is not indicative of the GRM readership as a whole.
Thanks for reminding me, I need to subscribe to Classic Motorsports as well, I'm sending in my 3 year check to GRM tomorrow, If i'd realized earlier I would have only done a 2 year (so i could keep getting tshirts sooner
) and pay a little extra for a magazine that's well worth it...
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
When you get off the computer and go to work.
Just kidding.
Sort of.
That's strangely applicable right now, I've got a fluid mechanics exam in the morning.
3/1/10 10:11 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
• Over 80% of our readers own 3 or more cars.
I've got 80% of three cars, does that count ? 
3/2/10 7:42 a.m.
I used to own 3.25 cars, then it was 3.33, now it's 1.33, I feel naked...