So now, the rest of the story...
I forgot that this was in the PimpM3 stable until he made a recent post about shedding cars. It's always been on my list of "someday I'll find the right one." I'll blame COVID for thinking this was the right one and I needed another car right now..... We talked, he gave full details, we found common ground, and I was on the way.
Hit the road in the rental from Clearwater on the way to Jacksonville. Plan was to pick up the Jag, drop the rental and then go visit with SWMBO's friend in St. Augustine.
XM Road Trip radio was playing appropriate music:

No picture of the song, but later a song played and I said to Michele "This I believe will be the perfect theme for the treasure we're about to lay our eyes on" - it was a Kelly Clarkson song "I'm broken and I'm beautiful." Turns out I was right.
I also realized that the navigation in the Altima could be zoomed out to show the entire width of Florida. We were able to keep PimpM3 apprised of our progress

Got there and it was exactly how he described it. We had a great conversation and he detailed most of the quirks. The radio, which hadn't worked in a couple years, was working now.
The funniest and potentially most impressive part of the car. Not one, but two of these stickers.

Stopped for gas 5 miles away, dumped the Techron, applied the Rain-X (right wiper reported to be inoperative), and turned it on. This started the trend of "a new warning light with every startup!" Actually I digress. The trend started in the grass immediately after cash transfer when the next startup displayed "hood not closed" even though it was fully latched. After gas. in addition to the known CEL and ABS lights - and hood not latched warning, the "Low Brake Fluid" light came on. Popped the well-latched hood and looked at the master cylinder reservoir. Did the fender bump and saw the fluid move at close enough to the right level. OK, let's roll.
Did the airport rental drop and headed to St. Augustine. While visiting it was raining steady and not conducive to sitting out on the vacation deck and enjoying the evening. We decided not to spend the night but rather to head back under cover of darkness and have Sunday to recover. During the visit I realized that I didn't know how to lock the car (dead fob) or how sensitive the alarm was. A quick text to PimpM3 resulted in the humorous "I don't know, maybe the fob stopped because the radio started working." In this car, it's a plausible explanation.
Went to leave the friend's place and was greeted with the red Brake! warning light, in addition to all the others. The message display gets a pixel workout as it cycles through all of its warning messages. After driving a couple miles the red brake light fixed itself.
Drove back in a constant rain all the way down I-95 and across I-4, ranging from steady to monsoon. Thank goodness for Rain-X. I didn't turn on the unintended mono-wiper setup until I was back in my neighborhood just to make sure it worked.
On this trip Michele went to open the glovebox to start exploring and I don't know what happened but the latch exploded. Like cracked plastic around the lock and two springs now laying on the ground. And the door now hanging open with no obvious way to make it close. Let's turn on the dome light to see - nope, forgot, that roof console is in the trunk as part of the top hydraulics that failed that led to its orphan state. Somehow she managed to fix it enough to close and then declared she wasn't touching another thing until we were safe at home. It was funny - we debated hitting seek on the radio in fear of making it stop, and the same for changing AC temp. We're cold but do we dare touch anything since it's currently working??
The car drove great, survived the 200 mile trip with no mechanical drama, and was turned off at 11:58PM.
The view this morning, again, from the right angle and at a distance, definitely shows the "Beautiful" side. Pretty soon I'll go out and start making the triage list for the build thread.