I've owned my Sentra for almost 10 years. It's a 2001 SE, and I love it dearly. Reliable, fun to drive, sounds good, and most importantly paid for.
It has 166K on the clock and still runs like a top. It's a little rough looking but it still serves me well. However during my latest oil change, I took the liberty to inspect the rust that's accumulated on the rocker panels (pics to come later) and it's concerning.
Now, curious, I hop on Craigslist and find a car damn near identical to mine. Same color even, only difference was this had a sunroof, and has 98K miles. Price? $2400!!
I haven't contacted the seller, but I'm conflicted over if I should replace this car with it's much-better-shape twin, or spend probably roughly the same amount or more on repairs to keep my current car on the road.
Buy new one, keep old one for parts.
Rust sucks to repair and $2400 at a body shop won't fix it, but they will cover it up for a year or two.
I would guess it is worth a closer look.
Until you lay hands on it, you can't really tell if the one in pictures is really better.
Here is ad for said car.
For $2400, I would have to see it run and be able to drive it. If I can't see it run, or drive it, that's a $500 car, tops.
Get under it and take a good look. If you like what you see push start it and test drive. Keep crusty sentra for parts.
Catch 22 why are then not putting a starter In it? As is that is a $500-$1000 car. Fix starter and if it is clean it is a $2k plus car.
With it not running they could be hiding alot.
Starter is kind of expensive (I've swapped brushes out in mind twice) the lot if new clutch parts is concerning, too.
Scheduled to look at it this weekend.
The front fender gap is huge. It's probably up on blocks or something. Maybe the seller got pissed at starter prices and is desperate to sell?
Either that, or it needs a starter on the engine it lacks.
1/6/16 6:10 a.m.
Rust is not all that worrisome until it's all the way through. You could get rid of the rust fairly easy and inexpensively. Worst case scenario you could purchase a nice welder, some rocker panels, and repair the car yourself. If the rust isn't all the way through, you probably don't need whole rocker panels, just some sheet metal to patch it. Buying another car because your current car has some rust is a bit excessive in my opinion.
dean1484 wrote:
With it not running they could be hiding alot.
if its truely just the starter thats bad then I would go check it out and just roll start it to make sure it runs and drives, just bring a friend or 2 to help push.
1/6/16 7:01 a.m.
If you buy the other one, you must keep those seat covers on. 
My car sits like that. I figured the rear struts were just worn out, might be a common thing on these cars
Brian's car has rusted through in at least one spot, so replacing is probably the better option.