5 least courteous
Washington DC
5 most courteous
St. Louis
San Francisco
Not entirely sure why the NY Metro area... including New Jersey wasn't on the "least" list... but I can say Portland has some of the most pleasant drivers... especially while sitting in 3-5 mile back ups.... 
YAY ! ! !
Granted it's number five, but Boston made the list ! ! ! !
They say that if you can successfully drive in Boston, you can drive anywhere.
Does courteous mean stopping to let people in from side roads and stuff like that-because stopping the 20 cars behind you to let in one car always seemed like an odd definition of courtesy to me.
Saint Louis? Really? Saint Louis?
That alone invalidates the whole article.
MrJoshua wrote:
Does courteous mean stopping to let people in from side roads and stuff like that-because stopping the 20 cars behind you to let in one car always seemed like an odd definition of courtesy to me.
My wife and I get irritated by this all the time. There needs to be a one-handed, not-quite-obscene gesture that means "You're ruining it for everyone".
I call major BS for St. Louis and Charlotte
eastsidemav wrote:
Saint Louis? Really? Saint Louis?
That alone invalidates the whole article.
Years ago we got lost trying to get to the arch and ended up in the heart of a very very bad neighborhood. Stop signs every block and a decent amount of traffic made finding our way out fairly difficult. An ambulance pulled in behind us and followed until we finally got clear. Felt pretty courteous to me. :D
5/15/14 8:12 p.m.
I've driven a lot of places worse than NY. This is more of a controlled chaos and most of the people who really can't drive don't. Probably the worst I've seen was DC. The only place I've ever been cut off, then had the woman back up and get out of her car to curse me out for honking at her
Wally wrote:
Probably the worst I've seen was DC. The only place I've ever been cut off, then had the woman back up and get out of her car to curse me out for honking at her
Must have been a Sunday morning and she was pretty calm after church. Otherwise there would have been shots fired. Nobody stops in DC-its harder to hit a moving target.
Just flip your blinker. I'll let you in.
I take no credit for Pittsburgh making the list.
5/15/14 8:47 p.m.
In reply to N Sperlo:
Blinkers are a sign of weakness. The element of surprise is your friend.
In reply to Wally:
Its surprising enough I can see them WITHOUT MY berkeleyING MIRROR!
So the war zone of houston made the list...I'm not surprised. I'm actually more surprised I haven't been in a wreck with as often as I've been there. It's an adventure.
oldeskewltoy wrote:
5 least courteous
Washington DC
Not entirely sure why the NY Metro area... including New Jersey wasn't on the "least" list...
B/c those other places are far worse than the NY Metro area...
bmw88rider wrote:
So the war zone of houston made the list...I'm not surprised. I'm actually more surprised I haven't been in a wreck with as often as I've been there. It's an adventure.
I spend 2 to 3 hours in the middle of the war zone commuting every day. I can't wait to GTFO.
Surprised Chicago didn't make it. There's millions of dickheads in that town, and I think I've met most of them on the road.
In my opinion, "least likely to have been speeding" is in no way related to courteousness. Drive slow is equally capable of being rude as driving fast. The inexplicable number of excessively slow drivers compounding traffic problems is one of the main factors that makes driving in the Northwest so frustrating...It actually makes both my wife and I miss Chicago drivers! 
He he, yup. If you're not doing NHRA style drag launches at the light, you're the shiny happy person.
When did using a blinker become to mean "Please pass me on this side?" 'cause that's what happens 1/2 the time when I attempt to change lanes!
If Pittsburgh made the most courteous list, I never wanna drive in any of the least courteous cities. 
I'm a hick, don't play well w/ that big city drivin'.
5/16/14 8:46 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
Just flip your blinker. I'll let you in.
Not in Atlanta. If you hit your blinker before starting your lane change the schmuck beside you will just floor it and close the gap. If you are sitting still with your blinker on it just lets the person next to you know they can make their own lane change in front of you while you look for a gap. And heaven help you if you are trying to merge onto the highway. I've never understood the whole "YOUR NOT GETTING IN FRONT OF ME!!!!" mentality of people in the right lane of the highway. Guess what, if you won't let me in I'll just floor it and pick a hole 20 spaces ahead of you. Now I'm not only on the highway but I'm also WAY the hell ahead of you.
Atlanta traffic: it's not for the weak.
I call BS, Connecticut's not even on the list!
I've lived in Chicago, driven in Atlanta countless times, and had to deal with beltway traffic outside of D.C.
Nothing.....nothing compares to Boston. By far the most aggressive drivers I've encountered. When we moved from Boston to Chicago we were shocked at how courteous Chicago drivers were. 
Them folks is crazy!
Joe Gearin wrote:
I've lived in Chicago, driven in Atlanta countless times, and had to deal with beltway traffic outside of D.C.
Nothing.....nothing compares to Boston. By far the most aggressive drivers I've encountered. When we moved from Boston to Chicago we were shocked at how courteous Chicago drivers were.
Them folks is crazy!
Yep. There is a reason they are referred to as Mass-holes...