Well, it's new car time again. Bought an Escort for $50 sold it for $500, bought a Supra for $500 now selling it for $1200. After turning $50 into $1200, I figure it's time to get into a decent car. Looking at two specific examples:
I've owned a Legacy before, and I've had two 900T's, but never a 9000. Which would you take, and why? Here's my deduction so far:
+Lower price
+More 'presentable' (I work in sales)
-Weird problems
+Cheaper to run
+Better shape
+Turbo swap = easy
-More expensive
-A bit flimsy (from my experiences)
Your $.02?
12/12/09 4:32 p.m.
The 9000 is a non turbo, I would stay away.
Oh, E36 M3, didn't even notice that!
The Saab has electrical issues.....run away. Quickly. The Legacy will go for $1k or less, that would be my choice.
Out of those two, the Subaru seems like a much better deal. Of course the Subaru ad may be leaving out lots of work it may need, Saab guy seems honest.
Saab barely runs when cold, overheats when hot, has several non-functioning components (ebrake, lights) and accessories, and to top it off it has body damage.
12/12/09 4:58 p.m.
My now wife owned a 94 0r 95 NA 9000 which I had the pleasure of maintaining for a year or so. I really like the packaging of the car, it was very flexible in terms of utility, the power was adequate, and it handled quite respectably. On the downside all the luxo stuff was breaking which was a total pain in the ass to try and fix as many of the engineering decisions seemed to be afterthought level when it came to maintenance. My 95 Volvo 850 is MUCH easier to work on, and much tougher.
Having owned a Subie of a similar vintage to one posted I would definitely go for it. I like they way they are put together, and they have a willing to be driven personality I really like.
12/12/09 5:36 p.m.
My uncle bought a Saab 9000 new. He hated it. He couldn't sell it. He crossed state lines to find a Saab / Subaru dealer who would give him a decent trade on a Legacy. He has owned Legacies ever since.
I don't think I've ever seen someone compare a Saab 9000 to a Legacy and say the Legacy was "more flimsy" before today. I've never owned either of these cars but every mechanic I talked to about Legacy's seemed to respect the build quality and general substance of the car.
I don't think the 9000 is a bad car, just, they don't seem nearly as tough as a Subaru.
12/12/09 7:31 p.m.
I would do the Legacy! I have always had a soft spot for Legacys, I bought one as my first car years ago!
I never said the Legacy was "more flimsy" than the 9000, it just is in general by my 30+ car experience. I've only driven a 9000 a handful of times so I have little experience. I bought a '95 Outback from ckosacranoid in '06 for $500-ish, put a new clutch in it, and beat the piss out of it for 20k until the tranny blew up. My roommate is a Subaru fiend (there are currently THREE EA82's and a Legacy in our posession) and we've both agreed that while Subarus are tough, they lack a certain "solidity", i.e. crappy trim parts, rust-prone, basically they're not built like tanks like a German car. Then again, the two of us can pull an engine in 30 minutes. I absolutely adored my 900T's, by far the best handling FWD car in the snow I've ever driven, which is why I asked.
Almost certainly buying the Legacy.
I'd check with the Legacy owner and find out if he/she has swapped in a 2.5; as far as I know the EJ-25 was not available until '96.
If they are mistaken and it's a 2.2 I'd definitely pounce on that one.