Tom_Spangler said:
Woody said:
If I was all alone and it came down to it, Simple Brown might have become my lubricant of necessity.
I know that saying something should go into the magazine is the worst way to get something into the magazine, but I swear to God, if this doesn't make it in, I will cancel my subscription. 
In all seriousness, glad you're OK, Woody. My shop is 150' from my house, so if something happened, I might be in real trouble. I always have my phone on me, but that's no guarantee.
Simple Brown Emergency Lubricants
-For when E36 M3 gets stuck.
12/18/19 1:22 p.m.
Glad everything came to a not-too-horrible conclusion. All these thoughts about working alone hit home as we prep for a new detached garage... As much as I hate all the eavesdropping, I need to make sure to keep my phone close, and make sure it does some voice-activated calls...
As to the Hallmark Movies, I give you this:

12/18/19 1:32 p.m.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
For the record, there were no screams. Only assertive encouragement to relocate.
Also...Winnie Cooper. 
This makes me glad I'm not allowed to work on the cars alone, not for safety reasons, but because the wife wants to learn how to work on cars.
Her husband died in every war.
In reply to JohnInKansas :
Mazdeuce has been busy the last hour.
Just sent me this

In reply to spacecadet :
I like that, is that the simple green font?
Still think it needs a splatter. And maybe an "as seen in TV" logo.
spacecadet said:
In reply to JohnInKansas :
Mazdeuce has been busy the last hour.
Just sent me this

This is amazing.
Soonish I will be embarking on the perilous journey of becoming a stage rally co-driver. Would love to slap one of these on the car.... or maybe my helmet.
Ian F
12/18/19 2:44 p.m.
In reply to JohnInKansas :
It's really close. Close enough.

In reply to JohnInKansas :
Looks to be.
I think the simplicity of this one also help it.
It's subtle..
therieldeal said:
spacecadet said:
In reply to JohnInKansas :
Mazdeuce has been busy the last hour.
Just sent me this

This is amazing.
Soonish I will be embarking on the perilous journey of becoming a stage rally co-driver. Would love to slap one of these on the car.... or maybe my helmet.
the "O" needs to be replaced by an asterisk
Also, for those of you that remember the movie "Cedar Rapids"

So glad our home has no cable or anything that family can watch
Thanks guys, it was a fun quick project. The b and w are the p and m edited and flipped. This is one of the first times I haven't had to make any letters from scratch.
I considered an As Seen On GRM but I tend to look at designs and wonder if I'd hate myself if I made 80 shirts with the design on them as I keep doing that. Pretty sure I need to send at least one shirt to Connecticut.
12/18/19 4:05 p.m.
Makes me appreciate the lower threat of working on a bicycle in the garage. Also, my phone is always near me at all times when I'm in the garage.
I just had to Google "safety fist"........
Mods: delete if inappropriate

In reply to mazdeuce - Seth :
I want one, XL, color of your choice. Paypal info and price?
Winnie Cooper. Total thread redemption. Ah...

You know, if E36 M3 got real, your hand would have come out of that hole, mostly intact... Blood is a pretty good lubricant.
Also, I have a mental picture of Homer not being able to get his hand out of the donut box. "Let go of the donut, Homer, and your hand will come out." "Awww..."
Is it true thats how they hunt monkeys somewhere far away? Put a date in a jar with a hole (uhh, huuuhh, he said "a-hole") just big enough for an empty hand (paw?) to go in, but not one closed around a date?
I'm glad you got your hand back without the emergency lubricant or blood loss and i will make an effort to be more conscientious about when and where I work and make sure I'm close enough to my phone to reach it without the aid of a broom
therieldeal said:
spacecadet said:
In reply to JohnInKansas :
Mazdeuce has been busy the last hour.
Just sent me this

This is amazing.
Soonish I will be embarking on the perilous journey of becoming a stage rally co-driver. Would love to slap one of these on the car.... or maybe my helmet.
I can absolutely get you a couple of these cut to your specifications. I'm about to be away from the cutter for a couple of weeks, so send me an email at TTWO.ELM at gmail and I'll make them up after the holidays.
12/19/19 8:37 a.m.
Justjim75 said:
Is it true thats how they hunt monkeys somewhere far away? Put a date in a jar with a hole (uhh, huuuhh, he said "a-hole") just big enough for an empty hand (paw?) to go in, but not one closed around a date?
I'm glad you got your hand back without the emergency lubricant or blood loss and i will make an effort to be more conscientious about when and where I work and make sure I'm close enough to my phone to reach it without the aid of a broom
Not sure about monkeys, but that's a pretty solid raccoon trap if you replace the date with aluminum foil ball.
"you shut your sound" is now a thing in the office.