Work has been a biotch lately. I was going to call in "sick" tomorrow but its the end of the pay week and there are some good jobs waiting for me. Still....I was near homicidal today and had to do something to get the stress out. Luckily, I had a buyer for some Z28 parts that absolutely had to have an oil pan by tomorrow morning for his LS-RX7 build.
This is what I started with
Dropped the engine/trans/subframe onto the base for my engine hoist. Note the lower radiator support is still there. This is to jack the body back up after I lowered it onto the hoist and unbolted the subframe.
Suddenly, that metal is no longer useful and in the way....
Camera fritzed for the next picture, but the gist of it is sawzall+sledge hammer=roll the works straight out the front
Giving us this:
Removed the autotragic and lifted the subframe off the hoist with the handy motorcycle/VW engine jack
Finally GENTLY rolled the engine backwards off the subframe onto a foam rubber pad to separate them. Worked like a charm with no damage done. Removed the pan and the dude picked it up around 10:30
Made a bit of a mess
But no way would I ever leave the garage like that. The block of the panless engine sat on the MC jack's rubber pads perfectly so I'll store it like that until I can get it on the stand
After cleaning the garage, showering, and posting this its now 12:25 am. This will make me crabby at work....but I'll probably be too tired to kill anyone