Whelp, put the snow tires on the Miata. Weather report is calling for snow tomorrow and I doubt that RE11's would do well.
(e30 bottlecaps on a miata with 175 general altimax's)
6 months until the next autocross out here. Its gonna be a long winter.
When does GT5 come out again?
Who else is getting the blues?
New Reader
11/5/10 2:28 p.m.
Just ordered a set of those. Looking forward to the white stuff this year.
I'm just here to gloat. It's 87 degrees today and I have at least 2 more Champ events left this season.
I think the San Diego region only has about a 4-6 week break between seasons
Man, I'd love to get some snow down here. Just enough to get a good layer of snowpack on the roads.
"Drifting officer? No, sir, it's slick out and I was just doing all I could to keep it out of the ditch!"
Snow tires? We don't need no stinkin' snow tires!
I look forward to the snow for exactly the same reasons Rex stated. Snow + parkinglot = fun for all.
11/5/10 2:47 p.m.
Got an autocross tomorrow, should be fun. Two more the next weekend, but I don't know if I can make them. Then its time for ice hockey, sledding, general winter fun... I make do without autocross (insert whatever motorsport you like).
Let the seasonal affective disorder begin.
I've got one more autox tomorrow and mine go on too.
11/5/10 2:53 p.m.
One club done for the year last weekend, another is running a non points event on Sunday. After that, it's back to the simulator.
I get bummed in the winter, not because there are no auto events. I have to work weekends during the winter, which means I miss the events all my friends are having fun at.
Course it's a non issue after wrecking my race car a few weeks ago. I've got a long winter ahead of me trying to get my pennies saved to have something to race next spring.
Supposed to snow here Sunday night to I better have the gear ready to put the snow tires on the truck. Unfortunately I don't have a race or auto-X car at the moment, but I guess I should get going and look for one in the next few months.
11/5/10 2:58 p.m.
We've got the best of both worlds. No snow here in town, but I can be over 10,000' in less than an hour visiting the nicest white stuff. The only downside is that they do put grit on some of the twisties in the winter.
Snow rocks. When you don't have to shovel it.
With the amount of sun we get here, I get seasonal affective disorder on cloudy days now. If I went back to Canada, I'd only last a week.
I like the snow and cold, it's all those $#%#@ leaves I have to rake up tomorrow that's depressing me.
11/5/10 3:12 p.m.
Heh, I was set up for winter WEEKS ago. Fortunately for me, that involved another car, and I still have the good tires on the GOOD car to drive til the fluffy stuff flies.
Also Stuart, I feel your pain- as a fellow MN resident (unless you have dyslexia and meant to type Stuart in NM) then things are EVERYWHERE. Fortunately for me, I'm not a homeowner (yet.... looking at homes tomorrow) and someone else does the cleanup for me!
Gotta get tires tomorrow for the Jeep...my first truck/suv/4x4/4-door. I have mixed emotions. I can't wait to see what this thing will do in snow drifts. But I also hate having to drive slower/more cautious and coming home when its dark and not being able to play around outside.
11/5/10 3:33 p.m.
Rockin' the Jeep again this winter, looking forward to snow :-)
81gtv6 wrote:
I look forward to the snow for exactly the same reasons Rex stated. Snow + parkinglot = fun for all.
Couple feet of snow + driving through the mountains to go rally in said snow = fun.
got 4 more a-x's and at least one more track day... then it all starts up again in Feb
11/5/10 4:15 p.m.
I'm still looking for a car for the winter. I could just get some snow tires for the WRX but I really don't want it to get rusty.
The GLI went Vader this week as well (Vader = black car with steelies and snow tires)
11/5/10 4:23 p.m.
What is this "snow" you speak of?
You're tellin' me...
Of course that just means that it's (hopefully) a couple months until ice time trials
Couple days ago I put my snow tires on. Getting too cold for the summer tires. I like them when it is snowing, but when it's not, they're mushy, noisy, and can't deal with grooved lanes.
I've been getting the off-season blues a bit also, only one more autoX this year, and I'm beginning to realize that my plans for the Miata and my budget don't quite see eye-to-eye. my other major passtimes, mountain biking and remote control cars/trucks, also don't take too kindly to the fluffy stuff, and after a while, simracing does get a little bit repetitive/boring. it's fun to flog one car type around for a while, but after a while that gets boring and if you switch mods to something that doesn't drive in a way that jives with your mood, it gets old QUICK
11/5/10 4:47 p.m.
Time for new tires on the jeep. giant baja claws work great climbing around rocks, mud and deep snow. Fairly dangerous in the wet and light snow.