I see plenty of exotics and expensive cars around here (though, more in Fairfax where I live, not often in shady Suitland, Maryland), so it's rare to be surprised about cars, but I had to look this up, since I had no idea it was an actual vehicle.
Benz G550 "Squared" - $230,000 - or probably about 10 times the average per capita income in the area it was driving through.. This is in an area where I get nervous just driving my GTI because the other drivers are so terrible, pedestrians just walk across the road anywhere with no warning (day or night), the roads are terrible, and I've had dozens and dozens of near-accidents commuting here over the years (and probably see at least 3-4 bad accidents per week thanks to center-lane turn zones that people play chicken in). Not to mention the occasional carjacking.
Must be nice....

I chuckle that it has to have a drop-down bumper to make it legal (pretty sure that's a factory piece)...it's so tall. Even some of the Bro-trucks would be shamed.
Kind of makes me want to put big fender arches on my Raider lol...
I live in a weird place, it's mostly podunk, but there is an undercurrent of serious money. Which means you might see anything. For whatever it's worth, I see G AMG's several times a year.
The last serious whiplash I had was a Rolls Royce Wraith two blocks from my house. WTF are you doing here? Our house is worth half of your car!
Factory side dump exhaust! That thing is crazy.
Shadeux said:
I live in a weird place, it's mostly podunk, but there is an undercurrent of serious money. Which means you might see anything. For whatever it's worth, I see G AMG's several times a year.
The last serious whiplash I had was a Rolls Royce Wraith two blocks from my house. WTF are you doing here? Our house is worth half of your car!
Oh, I mean, this is only like 3 miles outside Washington DC, so lots of money around. I only semi-joke that the "typical" commuter car around here is a 335i or A6 or X5 or something...... But usually they don't drive them through the area where I saw this, if they're smart. There are less sketchy ways to get out of the city :)
I honestly wouldn't even look twice at a G AMG in this area. I literally seem them a few times a week....clearly I'm in the wrong line of work lol..
Apparently those are the stock 22" wheels with all-terrains on them, to give you a sense of scale.
12/9/19 4:33 p.m.
About a year ago a friend bought a car from a small specialty dealer in the DC area (near Dulles IIRC) that had one of those in white sitting in his showroom. I forget if it was his, for sale, or being stored for a customer. I looked over it some while they were out on a test drive, there was a lot of interesting stuff happening under it.
12/9/19 4:35 p.m.
I'm thinking pro athlete or drug dealer.
California plates in metro DC?
Shipped across country or driven across? My guess is shipped.
Woody said:
I'm thinking pro athlete or drug dealer.
I mean, this was about 7-8 miles from Nats Stadium and I saw it just minutes after hearing about Strasburg's new contract. Coincidence....? :D
I was just down in Annapolis, there you can spot all sorts of high end cars, mostly Tesla now. Did see a nice imported TD5 Defender though, it was nicely done up for light offroading
I saw some ugly Bentley(I think) coupe with a retractable trunk lid spoiler last night. It was parked in a Wendy’s parking lot here. I didn’t notice if it had a local tag on it though.
12/9/19 6:59 p.m.
Mercedes humor is the best humor.
Ah, a serious off-road rig, right near Metro DC. Of course.
Few neon colored 4x4 ^2 around here
even saw a 6x6 G waggen. Owner said paid close to a million for it
12/9/19 7:27 p.m.
G-series are pretty common where I live. Hate 'em. Flipped off the last one I saw.
12/9/19 8:57 p.m.
No comment. My feelings about G-wagens are well known.
12/9/19 9:06 p.m.
My neighbor's wife has a g63, he got it for her after she rented a wrangler one time.
It sounds badass when she starts it in the morning. Its aggressive but nicely muffled at the same time.
It's the same neighbor with the GT3, he likes German cars I guess...
12/9/19 10:07 p.m.
I'm sorry but I can't see aG Wagen without getting a milk going knowing it by its other name LUVW the Canadian Army combat utility vehicle.
Did you see the driver? Around here there are two types. Either a) a shorter than average solidly built guy in a short sleeved shirt that is super tight, shaved head and shades trying to look like Russian mafia or b) distractingly, stunningly good looking, Hollywood hot blond trophy wife with perfectly manicured everything on the way from her lesson with the tennis pro to her personal trainer via a quick yoga lesson.