Horn style....
More sprockets related, but I figure someone will know of a donor vehicle from which I can rip an electric horn from.
why? My Kawasaki's horn apparently can't be heard through all the sound deadening material found on Jaguars and other high-end luxo-barges.
requirements? 12v and be able to mount to a bike chassis. I can hide stuff under the tank and in front of the radiator (where existing horn is)
6/14/10 7:04 a.m.
I had a set of these. They are insanely loud and impossible to ignore. They also take up a lot less room than the twin air horn setups. The sound is not as nice , although that's probably not a huge concern on a bike.

Sound quality isn't a concern as much as "HEY GET THE berkeley OUTTA MY LANE"
i just put two junkyard horns from a BMW 5 series in my miata. theyre FIAMM branded with a high and low tone. not sure how loud they are, but theyre much louder than the stock horn. if you have a junkyard around, seems most big german sedans have nice, loud horns. mostly FIAMM or Hella brand.
Mount whatever the hell makes this noise out on the front somewhere
Sound Cannon in action
Previous owner mounted these under the fairing of the BMW. Toot carefully.

Dan, have pictures of those mounted?
No. I'll peek under her skirt when I get home.
6/14/10 8:15 a.m.
Watching an F350 on GA-400 blast a mini-van for cutting him off at the I-285 split was a real treat, except for the excessive swaying of the minivan panicing, My wife heard it and said, "why don't you get me one of those?"
Fiamms or Hellas are good. Remember they will draw more current than the stock horns, and you'll probably need to put in a relay to power them - otherwise the wiring and/or the horn button will melt.
6/14/10 2:42 p.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
Sound quality isn't a concern as much as "HEY GET THE berkeley OUTTA MY LANE"
The Supertones are what you want then. The sound quality is, um, unpleasant.
I also have two different types of the Hella air horns mounted on a couple of my cars. I love the sound, but they take up a lot more space and would look out of place on a bike. They're also cheaper.
6/14/10 3:32 p.m.
Heh.. trainhorn.net. My next door neighbor's log truck has a set of train horns on it. Yeah kinda like the 1800 buck setup that webpage is offering, but if anything even bigger. The same setup the Northern Pacific has on it, that I can hear from my house, 10 miles from the tracks. To stand anywhere near such a thing when it goes off, is kinda earthshattering...
Yeah, you need some red paint for that horn. Its lookin ghetto
6/15/10 7:01 p.m.
Look at Wallyland in the marine/RV section. You can get those portable ones that hook onto a can of compressed air for cheap monies.Ty-wrapped to the bars and give a good blast when you need to.
I just want a horn that projects the brown note. 
digdug18 wrote:
Yeah, you need some red paint for that horn. Its lookin ghetto
You can't see it unless you bend down and look.