9/18/11 8:21 a.m.
Anyone know how well one of these works?

I would not mind having a lap timer in lemons car to give some feedback but having a segment timer would be the goods as I could get far more precise feedback on how individual changes effect lap times in a much more positive and repeatable way.
I have an Aim Solo. ($399) So far it has been excellent. You have to configure the segments in the software and then download to the device... but it works superbly. It also has predictive lap timing, segment timing and user configurable screens so I can have stuff like (+/-) best lap, fastest lap and speed on one screen and a graph of the last x number of laps on another.
Pretty sweet tool for the price IMO. The PC analysis software is a little difficult to use but once you figure it out it is really very powerful so you can disect your session and see where you can brake a few feet later and so on.
Info page