i sold a Forester to a fellow forum member . he brought his wife with him and we had a great time.... she was just as interested in the cars i had as he was. we spent the whole day together but not talking about cars but working on one. i had a 94 530i listed for sale it was sitting in the upper shop and he just kept talking about it. I am a il6 man so was he. all is he kept saying was how he always wanted to tear into one of the V8's and my nephew was saying the same thing.
without a FSM covering the way to do this. we just tore into it. this was the most fun i have had in so long. his wife was sitting there just laughing and having a good time she kept calling us the three stooges.
we got it all a part without breaking anything and with no broken fingers. i order a FSM and the parts to put this thing back together and Paul said he would be back next Saturday to finish what he started but Debbie said one weekend with a bunch guys under the hood of a car is all she could take
she was very happy with her new car the forester too....