Inside the brown box was the product box. Looks like it had been in a rain storm or under water. Rust stains all over the packaging. Then there's the shocks themselves. WTF Rock Auto?

The top one. That rust colored liquid? That's rusty water apparently. These fittings had vacuum type caps on them. Is this the new norm?
I would probably send those back for exchange.
Toyman! said:
I would probably send those back for exchange.
And hope I don't get another set just like these!
5/23/23 7:28 p.m.
Leaky roof at the warehouse?
I'd send them back as well.
Yeah I'd def send those back!
Definitely raise that with their returns department, if it was just the box I would let it slide but it seems to have rusted the parts too.
Got a return label and sent out this afternoon. Let's see how good the replacements are.