Poking around on the Rally America site, I see there is a regional rally on Sat August 6 in Atlanta, MI. It looks to be a one day event.
Has anyone been to this event? Is anyone going? I'd be happy to offer my services as a crew member, and I have a friend that may want to help too.
And I think I can secure lodging (free) about 30 miles from the event.
If not we may just end up volunteering.
Because stage rally is berkeleying awesome.
I have been to RA events as crew, driver, co-driver, and spectator. I don't know that I would ever go as a spectator again. Crew is fun. I would recommend volunteering as a course marshal.
If you have camera equipment another option is to convince a competitor to take you on as their media guy. Each team (I believe) is allowed one media credential that will get you better access to cool spots on the course.
Nope but I'm interested in hearing about how it goes- I too would recommend volunteering for either a team or the event itself. Right now I don't know anybody on the entry list but if I see a driver I know pop up I can try to get you set up to crew for them.
Specialstage.com has a section where you can post your availability as crew if you want.
Thanks for the input guys!
And I will check out specialstage.com. I'm kk with just volunteering too. That would be a good learning experience for me.
I'll report back on the experience!
paranoid_android74 wrote:
Thanks for the input guys!
And I will check out specialstage.com. I'm kk with just volunteering too. That would be a good learning experience for me.
I'll report back on the experience!
Specialstage is pretty dead, I would recommend joining the Facebook group North American Rally Discussion. Hope you get out there 
I went last year but didn't actually go to the race, was too drunk at our friends cabin and then was too lazy to leave but we were about 20 minutes from the race. I hear good things, I love winter sno*drift and if I can get my car together the goal is to race that one as our first stage rally.
I plan to attend. My cabin is 10 miles south of the southern most winter stage. Anyone have maps or names of roads being used?
In reply to HiTempguy:
Aw man, I really have to go on Facebook? 
I'll get out there some way, probably as a volunteer somewhere. I haven't contacted them yet, but will.
Our place is in Lovells on the river. Hopefully it isn't already spoken for.
All I know is what is in their Supp Regs and Road Closure Schedule
@pilotbraden: are you volunteering?
Not planning to volunteer. I might be able to provide primitive camping for a small number of board members and their friends or family. We have plenty of space, a hand pump and an outhouse type facility. We also have about 4 miles of two track on the property. If anyone is interested contact me.
I just finished signing up to volunteer for the race Saturday. Who knows where I'll end up, but it will be awesome regardless.
Also confirmed I have our cabin reserved for the weekend, so that will be great.
I was planning on leaving that Friday after work, which should get me up there in time to register Friday night. But I can likely get the day off if necessary and with two weeks notice. Id be happy to have company on the ride up! I'm in Ann Arbor, so most of SE MI is on the way Up North.
If anyone wants to go shoot me a pm, or email me at owensdad74 ala the gmails and we can work out the deets.
Also, I noticed during registering you can request to be assigned with someone. If you want I'm sure we can work out being paired up. We can be clueless as a team 
So bottom line, if you want to check out a rally, this is a cheap easy button!
Bring like a case of 25% (or more) DEET content mosquito repellent.
Special stage is as dead as rally anarchy now. Though the Foggs are fixing media content and exposure for North American rally

7/6/16 1:02 p.m.
captdownshift wrote:
Special stage is as dead as rally anarchy now. Though the Foggs are fixing media content and exposure for North American rally
Well seeing as they had had a data breach and changed everyone's password, the traffic on Specialstage has dropped off. Well Anarchy - if you don't have a good BS filter that site has always been a little tough to deal with. I'm still active over there, but once in a while you need a vacation from it.
I even emailed SS to ask them to send me the information to update my password and they have not replied. It is partially my own fault for not having an up-to-date email registered with them. But the traffic over there had pretty well oozed to a snail's pace before the data breach.
It is this weekend, are y'all still going? I am trying to get up there Friday pm. Work and ladyfriend's health may be obstacles.
I'm going. Planning on leaving town at 3:30 pm on Friday. Hopefully I'll be up there early enough to register Friday evening.
8/2/16 9:14 p.m.
I'm going to the Black Bear Rally in Ontario!
I wish I could go to No Drift, But the car isn't ready. Black River Stages, On the other hand...
Slight change of plans for me- I can't go after all.
Was planning on it, but invalided out waiting for back surgery. Next year then