240hp in a Volvo 240? Honda Reliability? Bodies of these cars can be had for cheap. F20C is a bit pricey. I've already started to harvest harnesses and random pieces to make the swap easy when it comes to wiring.
I mean this http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/cto/3575837724.html
Plus this
would =
Awesome right?
My only pressing issue is the ever so valuable space to work on this. My landlord wants an extra $100 a month for garage space....
It's cool.... but i guess i don't get it, unless you specifically want to stay n/a for some reason. 
Why not just dump a B230FT in it?
Because the B230FT has been done.
I don't think the F20c has been swapped into any Volvo as of yet, though I've seen it in Toyota bodies certainly. I think it's a great idea. Enough performance pieces exist for the 240 to make it quite the handler, and 240 NA hp is nothing to sneeze at. Plenty of room in the engine bay.
Go for it.
Ian F
1/29/13 10:19 a.m.
If I'm doing an engine swap in a Volvo 240, it would be with a SBF or SBC. I've seen SBF swaps and they drop in like the car was made for them. We may hate mac-struts from a performance POV, but they do allow for a nice, roomy engine bay compared to the similar 140-series and its A-arm suspension.
1/29/13 10:26 a.m.
Sure! Why not? I personally would not do it as that gorgeous drive-train makes 150flbs, which is nearly the same as whichever red-block is in the 245. The car is 3200 lbs or so, I personally would want more torques via turbo or displacement. If you did the F20 it I would applaud of course.
I've thought of LSX and it's more bang for the buck yes. But I've been down that route and want to play with something different.
And that is awesome! LT1 umm I'm gonna go hide in a corner and cry, that brings back nightmares. I would still consider buying that!
It doesn't look like a complicated engine to bolt up either and of course a turbo would be in the works down the road. My plan would to be completely anal and swap over fuel system, electronics, gauge cluster, everything from an S2K to make it a fairly simple process (if you can say that about a swap).
Ian F
1/29/13 11:02 a.m.
700 series wagon... SBC... twin turbos? 

1/29/13 11:30 a.m.
What about a blower 3.8 Buick and a 2004R or similar with a mild shift kit? Seems like a better fit for the application and should be a lot cheaper.
1/29/13 11:35 a.m.
I'm all in favor of crazy swaps, but there are better places to put that engine and better engines to swap into that car. Two thumbs down. Sorry...
New Reader
1/29/13 11:51 a.m.
Find someone who swapped a 2JZ into their S2000 and get their old engine. Or take that as a hint and skip the F20C altogether.
Engine swaps are supposed to go big engine from heavy car into lighter car, not t'other way 'round.
1/29/13 11:56 a.m.
Woody wrote:
I'm all in favor of crazy swaps, but there are better places to put that engine and better engines to swap into that car. Two thumbs down. Sorry...
Yeah, I applaud the attitude, but can't say I vote in favor of the particulars. For a car that's built like a brick you want a stump-puller engine.
Now, if you were talking about an F20C into, say, and old Cressida wagon or RWD Corolla wagon, I'd be chanting "Dooo eeet, dooo eeet!"
1/29/13 11:57 a.m.
I'm with Ian and Woody.
For this sort of car, I want some significant power on tap at cruise RPM. Sure, if you really want to go you may need to downshift, but for a DD (which is what I think when I think wagon), having the torque peak at 7500 RPM just sounds fatiguing... I'd spend all my time driving around at more reasonable revs and just being disappointed when I tipped in for just a bit of thrust...
How about this car instead.. a Volvo 240 with a Supra Engine
geez would you guys answer the question I asked? hahah
Would this make you happier? http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/cto/3578288039.html
1/29/13 6:09 p.m.
In reply to DirtyBird222:
Already "deleted by author"...
I think it'd be berkeleying sweet.
and as cool as the 2JZ is. I have an extreme distaste for anything Toyota with the exception of their late 80s early 90s GTP car. I'd rather swap a modern VW/Audi engine into something and deal with that headache than have anything Toyota in my possession.