Hello, I need motivation as I'm a bit frightened to do this to my car, but more excited at how damn good I think it'll look. I'm a single Dad so I'm trying to do as much on the cheap as I can, though I'll have a few larger purchases based on shipping from Australia, which is where a decent aftermarket exists.
Anyhow. I don't have pictures of my car, but it's a 2006 Outback. Unfortunately an auto with sport shift, and unfortunately not the XT. So moving on, it's fully loaded other than that and a great vehicle for my commute and my daughter and I on our outdoorsy adventures. It's a nice blue.
So, I'm a veteran and I want to paint it flat, or matte, whatthehellever green. Combine this, with this. And in the future, flat black nudge/light bar, and of course some wheels that fit the overall look, which I'm a little undecided on. That sort've theme, you know? I actually started onto this when I was passed by a desert camo Toyota. It looked awesome.
Anyway, I don't have pics of my car, but I've got a car the same color, on the lift I'm looking at, on wheels I don't like...but it gives you a pretty good idea of what I'm seeing in my head and wanting to do.
So...let me know, either way, if anyone cares to reply. Am I totally nuts? I know it's not going to be a Jeep, it'll just be unique. There's an ocean of us Outbacks out there...
So let me know what you think? Maybe a little flatter than the picture... The desert camo or tigerstriping still appeals, but mostly the green. Whatever, it'll be flat. Oh, and I've got a great cargo basket on top.