slefain wrote:
I blame the neighbor for letting their cat outside. Letting your cat roam comes with the understanding that something may kill it, be it a dog, raccoon, possum, coyote, another cat, or a car.
You beat me to it. Irresponsible pet owner lets cat wander into yard with dogs and it's the dogs fault. I don't think so.
9/6/12 8:28 a.m.
Buddy of mine's Bernese Mtn Dog killed their cat recently. Sweetest dog ever- cat just apparently pissed it off or something, because he'd such a chicken it's unbelievable. Seriously. the dog is on anti-anxiety meds.
They have terrier in the breeds name for a reason which normal equals not very good with small animals.
ProDarwin wrote:
If a cat came near my house, I would hope my dog would kill it.
berkeley cats.
berkeley you. We have cats and dogs and this is just stupid.
Pit haters can leave...seriously, we dont want you here. Go away. Stating publicly that you sincerely feel a pitbull is more dangerous than any other dog is like inbred jacktards in the 50s stating out loud that they were afraid of using the same water fountain as a negro because they didnt want to contract syphilis...cuz, ya know, "all them negros carry disease". Its the Jim Crow mentality of the pet world.
Shiny happy holes...

9/6/12 9:02 a.m.
this should be in the off-topic section of the forum...
"Pit haters can leave", so, this should all be a love-in for Pit Bull fans?
I'll keep my highly negative thoughts on these dogs to myself out of politeness but if you can't handle a differing opinion, maybe the Internet isn't for you.
I'll rephrase my comment:
Prejudiced bigots can leave.
Hating a pitbull for being a pitbull is the animal equivalent to racism. You may not like dogs, I can give you that. But hating a breed and spreading your uninformed hate mongering around and passing it off as rational and legitimate is a whole other thing entirely.
9/6/12 9:31 a.m.
Having a pair of german shepherds, they stick to the 5acre yard religiously when outside, but they won't hesitate to berkeley something/someone up who invades their turf.
Brilliantly intelligent dogs, and can easily tell if you are "supposed to be there" Would they attack/kill a cat, squirrell, coon, Jehovah Witness, random stranger in the yard??? Absolutely. They're fine with the 14yo house cat since "it belongs" there......
In that regard, most dogs are that way.....their yard is their turf. Things that invade "their turf" will prolly get berkeleyed up. It doesn't really matter on breed.
Mind you, this is coming from collie, shepherd, rottweiler, and lab companionship through the years.
9/6/12 9:37 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
Pit haters can leave...seriously, we dont want you here. Go away. Stating publicly that you sincerely feel a pitbull is more dangerous than any other dog is like inbred jacktards in the 50s stating out loud that they were afraid of using the same water fountain as a negro because they didnt want to contract syphilis...cuz, ya know, "all them negros carry disease". Its the Jim Crow mentality of the pet world.
Shiny happy holes...
You are a classic case of somebody who rationalizes his feelings about the dogs. You just stated that you feel that your pit is no more dangerous than any other dog. WTF? That's like saying that a formula 1 car is no more dangerous than a four year olds tiny tyke electric car. There are many dogs equally or more likley to bite someone, but they aren't capable of doing comparable damage. A pit, Prenario, Ikita, Bull Terrier - any big mofo dog is more dangerous than a smaller, weaker breed. That's not hating. That's a fact. Your dog may be the canine reincarnation of Jesus. That doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of pits out there that are trouble waiting to happen.
edit: FWIW, I have two cats that I love dearly. But I realize that any trouble that they get into outside my property is nobodys fault but my own. If somebodys dog kills one of them OFF of my property, that's just tough. There's an equal chance that a car or wild critter could take one out too. Them's the risks.
I have three things to say (not making any judgements here):
I have a friend with two rescue Greyhounds who killed a cat in their backyard.
I love all animals. When my kids and I take bike rides around the neighborhood, we stop to pet every dog.
The only dog that's EVER bitten me was a pit bull. And I was being as gentle and non-threatening as I could possibly be. I consider them more aggresive than most breeds. Just my personal opinion, not really worth anything.
4cylndrfury wrote:
I'll rephrase my comment:
Prejudiced bigots can leave.
Hating a pitbull for being a pitbull is the animal equivalent to racism. You may not like dogs, I can give you that. But hating a breed and spreading your uninformed hate mongering around and passing it off as rational and legitimate is a whole other thing entirely.
I think I sprained my eye muscles from rolling them.
I don't hate pitbulls, and yes I understand that it's all in the way you raise them blah blah blah. But--- and even you pitbull owners/lovers must admit this- pitbulls have too much of a douchebag stigma (through no fault of the dog) for me to ever want to own one, and when I say douchebag, I'm refering to certain owners, not the dog.
There are certain people that have pitbulls because they wish to appear "edgy" in an uber-douche Ed Hardy kinda way with their E36 M3ty tattoos. These are the same sort of people that have phucked up the ecological system of Florida with the giant snakes they bought to impress their other douchebag friends, and then turned it loose when it became too much of a pain in the ass. Who the phuck in their right mind needs a giant phucking snake, honestly?
I understand that many of you have nice pitbulls, and I'm sure you are nice people, but I don't care to be lumped in with the douchebags so I'll pass on owning one.
The 2nd reason I will not own one is liability. You can pleade you cases as strongly as you want, but YOU KNOW the following is reality-- If you have a cocker spaniel and it bites the kid down the street, it's a problem. If your pitull bites the kid down the street, it's a huge phucking problem, your ass is likely getting sued, and as soon as the word "pitbull" is uttered in the courtroom, you are SCREWED. I say why take the chance? You want a dog, skip the pitbull and get something like a golden retriever, and leave the pitbull crusading to someone else
Trans_Maro wrote:
I don't own pitbulls for the same reason I don't own a Porsche, Corvette or Harley Davidson.
So, the pitbull either has the engine in the wrong place, only comes with auto transmissions, or sound terrible?
Joey, I don't know if you ever my my Akita, Cody. She was a GREAT dog. Let the kids pull on her ears and lay on her stomach. Never did anything aggressive to my family. But she killed two cats and many, many ground hogs, birds (taken in mid-flight!), a racoon, more I'm sure. To some animals, smaller animals are prey when they encroach on his/her territory. I'd take her to the park or a pet store and never had a problem. But let a cat wander in our yard and she was a hunter.
But that personality is what led her to be a great protector when we lived in an area where that kind of dog came in handy.
Apparently I have brought potato to an ermagherd fight. clearly I am outmatched, and will go now.
9/6/12 10:13 a.m.
The point, and a valid one at that, is that the detractors here keep saying they wouldn't own one because of the potential danger, liability, etc. There are plenty of other breeds out there with the same potential dangers if not more, but it has become easy to mark this dog as a target. As long as the misinformation and stereotypes are allowed to persist a perfectly fine breed of dog will be hated on for invalid reasons.
I'll agree with what Aeromoto says about the liability issue but it's only an issue because people persist with the misinformation and illegitimate fears of an otherwise perfectly fine pet.
Someone else brought up the car comparison so I'll keep it going. A person is more likely to get themselves hurt in a high performance sports car if they don't treat it with the proper knowledge and respect while handling it. That is no reason to outlaw that car is it?
I would much rather we outlaw stupid pet owners than the dogs themselves but it seems, at least in this country, we call them heroes and give them million dollar salaries instead so our youth can learn how to be douchebags from them as well.
I wont bother to copy paste the rather lengthy article disproving most of this information and myth but you may feel free to read it here.
As long as we're quoting articles and studies---
"Several studies have determined that pit bull owners and owners of other "vicious" or "high risk" breeds (most commonly identified as Akita, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, and Wolf-mix) are more likely to have criminal convictions and are more likely to display antisocial behaviors. A 2006 study comparing owner's of "vicious" dogs to owners of "low risk" dogs determined that the former group had nearly 10 times as many criminal convictions.[50] A 2009[51] and a followup 2012[52] study generally supported these conclusions."
9/6/12 10:36 a.m.
Clearly the topic raises hackles on both sides of the fence. Nobody here that I noticed has said to ban the breed or that they hate the dogs (although one guy implied as much). Most of us are cautious. I think that's a reasonable response.
9/6/12 10:49 a.m.
jstein77 wrote:
I have three things to say (not making any judgements here):
I have a friend with two rescue Greyhounds who killed a cat in their backyard.
I love all animals. When my kids and I take bike rides around the neighborhood, we stop to pet every dog.
The only dog that's EVER bitten me was a pit bull. And I was being as gentle and non-threatening as I could possibly be. I consider them more aggresive than most breeds. Just my personal opinion, not really worth anything.
I'm attempting to not be offensive, but it is probably never the brightest idea to go around the neighborhood petting random dogs.
The better question is why have I been bitten more times by my cousin's poodle than all the other breeds combined?
9/6/12 10:57 a.m.
I like pitbulls. They're big meathead dogs. Awesome pets IMO, fun to play with. Would I own one right now? Probably not, as I have 3 cats and a ferret. That goes for nearly any dog though.... they'd look at the ferret and think it was a walking burrito.
Aeromoto wrote:
As long as we're quoting articles and studies---
"Several studies have determined that pit bull owners and owners of other "vicious" or "high risk" breeds (most commonly identified as Akita, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, and Wolf-mix) are more likely to have criminal convictions and are more likely to display antisocial behaviors. A 2006 study comparing owner's of "vicious" dogs to owners of "low risk" dogs determined that the former group had nearly 10 times as many criminal convictions.[50] A 2009[51] and a followup 2012[52] study generally supported these conclusions."
This points out the problem is the owner not the dog. I think that is the point you are making. I wish these idiots would switch to something like a Pomeranian or preferable no dog.
yamaha wrote:
The better question is why have I been bitten more times by my cousin's poodle than all the other breeds combined?
It is because you have not instilled the fear of swift, immediate, searingly painful retribution in the poodle.
My friend rescued an aggressive boxer that will attack/bite for no reason - and someday he will end up having to put him down because the dog is an shiny happy person. If he gets free when any people are over he goes after them. Except me. He gives me a 30 ft circle because he remembers that a wallop that knocks him the berkeley out comes right before the jaws can close. Better him than me. For a poodle you probably wouldn't even need the kitchen chair.
I'm going to go ahead and assume that post was not directed at me. I NEVER said I wanted to ban the breed. I said living down the street from them was making me nervous.
I really do like these dogs. I know it is the cat owners fault. That's whys cats do not go outdoors. Plus I like birds.
It's sad that mentioning pitbulls all people hear is "I want to ban the breed!!!". I just think its a complicated issue.
I do think of it this way: If I woke up one morning, and someone said "today, you will be attacked by a dog. Can't avoid it, but you can pick the breed", I sure wouldn't pick a pitbull.
I love these dogs, an think highly of my neighbor. They are very well cared for. Mostly what I'm afraid of is if my house is broken into and the door is left open what will happen to my cats.
4cylndrfury wrote:
Pit haters can leave...seriously, we dont want you here. Go away. Stating publicly that you sincerely feel a pitbull is more dangerous than any other dog is like inbred jacktards in the 50s stating out loud that they were afraid of using the same water fountain as a negro because they didnt want to contract syphilis...cuz, ya know, "all them negros carry disease". Its the Jim Crow mentality of the pet world.
Shiny happy holes...