Everyone at the office got this email today:
"This afternoon, at 3 p.m. Eastern Time, President Lisa Noble and COO Eric Prill are making one of the most exciting SCCA Announcements we’ve seen in some time, and I think you’ll agree.
What does the announcement involve? I can’t tell you. Who is with them? Sorry – sworn to secrecy. I can’t answer any questions now, and I’m sure there are plenty of guesses.
Just trust me. Tune in to SCCA.com at 3 p.m., and that’s it. Click the article; click play on the video. You’ll get all of the fun and information then!"
We have roughly half an hour to wait and see what has them so excited. Any guesses?
I was slightly intrigued with that email too.
10/14/15 1:29 p.m.
It must be some kind of shocking protest, or an exciting new addendum to an obscure rule.
maybe they are just throwing out the rulebook altogether and going with a "run what ya brung" mentality, with the only licensing requirement being a check that doesn't bounce.
I've never been interested in SCCA press releases until now. 
Bring you own safety crew for the races. hahah. I think it's an announcement around Formula 4 classes personally. The answer for the question no one asked.
I think it's going to be their plan to get out of racing all together, and just put out well written articles.
10/14/15 2:00 p.m.
edit: ah, runoffs location.
edit again: the video seems to be choking on demand. whoops! 
Is it just about indy? I am not seeing anything live?
So . . . it's now 3:03, what the hell was it . . . ?
They're announcing the Runoffs will be at Indy in 2017, something that I saw elsewhere several days ago and I'm not even an SCCA member.
Left turns only or does Indy have some sort of road course?
Apparently "Exciting" is a lot like "World Class". If you have to go out of your way to tell people it is...It isn't.
10/14/15 2:44 p.m.
Anytime someone says that what they're about to say will be dramatic, it almost always isn't. Much more likely a cry for attention and relavance. We'll see.
10/14/15 2:53 p.m.
Everybody stay tuned. At 8:00 pm I will have an announcement full of world class excitement releasing information about what I may have had for dinner.
I was excited that it is going back to Mid-Ohio next year. This announcement to me is disappointing in that it's not staying there.
logdog wrote:
Everybody stay tuned. At 8:00 pm I will have an announcement full of world class excitement releasing information about what I may have had for dinner.
Or just the details of your dinners release. 
Driven5 wrote:
Apparently "Exciting" is a lot like "World Class". If you have to go out of your way to tell people it is...It isn't.
This is what I think about people who have "MBA" or "PMP Certified" in their email signature. "Like, if you didn't tell everyone, no one would be able to tell?"