10/5/16 12:32 a.m.
This is a pretty cool article about an industry I never knew existed, an outfit that takes cars Completely apart and provides a comprehensive breakdown as to materials, sources, time of manufacture, and costs per item. Geekfest content...
10/5/16 11:03 a.m.
That was a fascinating story to read and a very useful resource for the automakers, but I have a hard time seeing it as something I would want to do day in and day out.
I think the job where you actually do the tearing-apart would be kind of fun, though I bet they frown on you using prybars and hammers like I do on part-outs.
What a cool idea for a company. I wonder how long they hold onto the parts after a new car is introduced.
NOHOME wrote:
That was a fascinating story to read and a very useful resource for the automakers, but I have a hard time seeing it as something I would want to do day in and day out.
There are more than that company doing that around here. I see benchmarking data from a totally different group- who I know are used by the other local companies (aka all).
It's one reason the cost of making a car has come down so much, and the quality has gotten so good.