I've acquired a spoiler I'd like to have replicated. It's quite rare and I don't want to install the original on my car. Any suggestions?
I've acquired a spoiler I'd like to have replicated. It's quite rare and I don't want to install the original on my car. Any suggestions?
Hey Truckster,
I have a buddy up near Philly that does restoration work. His shop is in the Horsham area. He specializes in Fiberglass work. I'll PM you his contact info. If he can't do it he'll know who can.
I had a very rare spoiler re-popped once, about 6 years ago. I had like 10 made after I had 5 pre-purchased. Wasn't too expensive at all. Check around!
Well, that was easy. Company near the seller wants to do it for free, and I get a free repro. (and my original back)
I spending next Saturday at work...and the one after that, and the one after that....doing 6 day work weeks. 10 hour minimum a day.
I will probably make a mold of own to make some modifications to the spoiler. I watched some youtube vids. Looks easy enough. I'm always open to tips though! So if you could give a quick walk through, I'd appreciated it.
familytruckster wrote: So if you could give a quick walk through, I'd appreciated it.
Me too! Please and thank you :)
In reply to mguar:
I understand, either way this would have happened though. I bought the original before the company got it, or anyone else.
This part has been discontinued for about 10 years. Nobody else has made a reproduction yet. I doubt many will be made, it's a rare part for a rare car.
Thanks, mguar! I can't wait to try this, appreciate you taking the time to type all that out
Question though, the instructions seem be for things like hoods, bumpers, fender flares, correct? what about stuff like spoilers that is completely enclosed but would be hollow on the inside or comes to a taper where you can't pop the mold off? IE I have a roof spoiler that is no longer made and doesn't fit 100% flush, it's got a top, sides, bottom, but I think it's hollow on the inside. Is that a two part mold type deal where you'd have to make the mold, cut it in half, lay up 2 halves and join them? Any tips or instructions on those items? Much appreciated.
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