last night i was standing by the side of the grandstand at the local dirt track i shoot photography of very sat night this year. i had my phone out video taping the sprint car finals for the night and a car comes off turn four and lost it sliding just past the concrete pad for announcing and hits a women who was 10 feet to the side where she should not have been and gets nailed by the out of control car. the car stopped about 10 feet from a different car that was out of the race also. the race was red flagged then and cleaned off the track. they called in the local sheriff to figure out what happened. the good news is the women was awake and talking to paramedics when they loaded her into the recess squad.
I do have video of the event but not that great, the first thing i did was told sec what i had and they asked me to step in and keep people away from the fence line and staring at what was going on. i was asked not to post the video which i will not be doing and need to get a copy of it to the track promoter and to sec this week.
This week has not been kind to people, this week we lost a cop in fox lake which i am sure has made nasal news with whats going on for the hunt for the tree nuts that killed him. Then we have this wreak last night here, and then the bad wreak in Spain. I think i seen a post from someone else that they lost a grandson this week also.
Holds a moment of silicone for everyone out there.
Wow, serious stuff. Sorry you had to see that and be part of it.
Your post would be funny with all of the autocorrects if it was a different topic or situation.
No retaining wall, no fencing, dead cars left on the track.
what kind of rinky dink track is this ?
wvumtnbkr wrote:
Wow, serious stuff. Sorry you had to see that and be part of it.
Your post would be funny with all of the autocorrects if it was a different topic or situation.
Yes that last sentence in particular is just crazy.
Seriously sad stuff though.
Mourning would definitely be easier if we each held a moment of silicone, or at least a natural alternative. 
Seriously though-sad for the people who suffered excessively for the lack of respect for danger, and heartbroken for the loss of a new life. 
i cant tell if its autocorrect or a deranged lunatic doing stream of thought with a broken typewriter
i will hold a moment of silicone for all parties involved in this nasal news
9/8/15 10:03 a.m.
I tried to hold a moment of silicone, but it slipped right out of my hands.
T.J. wrote:
I tried to hold a moment of silicone, but it slipped right out of my hands.
I got a sexual harassment lawsuit...

Sounds like she was standing somewhere where she should not have been. I hope shes ok, but I guess thats what Darwin called "Natural Selection".
Oh and I'm losing it here reading all of these "moment of silicone" comments hahaha.
from what i heard today. the women is doing better with both legs broken and had to do many surgery's. might see her tomorrow night at the track.
Two broken legs, surgery and she's back at the track 5 days later? I think I might want to reconsider that if I were her.
hey … obviously you aren't a true race fan … you gotta set your priorities