So I've got an old locked up EA82 block that I want to take apart. Mainly just for fun, but I'll probably scrap the parts when I'm done. I've got all the bolts out (at least it seems so) but the frickin' case doesn't want to budge! What's the trick? It probably doesn't help that the engine was run out of oil and seized, so the crankshaft might just be fused to the case halves.
Since you don't care anyway my vote is for BFH 
I would try a deadblow before a regular hammer first
So you got both the pinch bolts in the case and the bolts in the water jackets out, and it still won't budge?
I tried a BFH and cold chisel at the seam and didn't seem to get anywhere! I was waiting for a post like Slick's, as I don't remember seeing any bolts in the water jackets. I guess I need more light in the garage. I'll look for those and see what happens.
take the heads off and put a peice of plate over the top, bolted to the head studs, drill and tap through this plate and put some long fully threaded bolts into it.
just wind the bolts into the block so they hit the pistons