5/17/21 12:10 p.m.
What do people use to spray Por-15 or Rust Bullet or another similar product into the stamped steel frame rails of uni-body cars? My 1997 Jetta has plastic plugs that are now old enough to have crumbled and fallen off the vehicle.
Garden sprayer? Or what has anyone cobbled up to do this? And no, I will not get this on my hootus.
Spray WD-40 in the cracks and then paint with rust bullet?
5/17/21 1:45 p.m.
The Eastwood internal frame coating seemed to perform well in this test I came across the other day:
5/17/21 5:23 p.m.
I used the Eastwood Internal Frame Coating that comes with a long hose, and a mini-spray ball on the internal cavities of the TR6 during the recent restoration. I know the old school British restorers will give me stink eye for not spraying Waxoyl in there like has been done forever. No long term data on longevity, but its certainly easy to use, just remember to tape over any holes further into the cavity as you are moving the hose in, or it will make a mess as it sprays back out.