Basically thats it? WTF am I doing?
I know in the moped world crankseals will dry up and create vacuum leaks. My motobecane ran for about 2 minutes after pulling it out of a shed before it tore them up and wouldn't run any longer. I know people have claimed to have burned up pistons from lean conditions.
ok, other question, this is off my 76 aermacchi 250, it has a oil pump to mix but I'm not real sure if that works, so should I just try with pre mixed in the gas tank?
Not many two strokes have an oil pump.
Does it turn over ? If so, them lubeing the cylinders through the plug holes while cranking. does it have a reed valve ? could be stuck.
Not many two strokes have an oil pump.
Does it turn over ? If so, them lubeing the cylinders through the plug holes while cranking, the spray some oil trough the intake to lube the crank. does it have a reed valve ? could be stuck.
Plenty of 2 strokes have oil pumps. At least in the seventies they did, but I would definitely do premix at this point. Oiling the cyl through the plug hole and kicking through a bunch of times with out the plug, then a few times with the plug, but with out the wire on.
Here's a question for those that know 2 cycles better than I do. In a situation like the OP's, if the crank seals were leaking , would there be a quick & dirty way to diagnosis that with out a visual inspection?
This thread has confusion of oil pumps and oil injection pumps..... squirt oil down the cylinder and run premix until you verify that the oil injection pump (if equipped) is functioning.
Unless it was properly prepared for long term storage, the carburetor probably needs to be rebuilt first.
Clean carb and re-install before fill float with mixed gas but not much more then a cup, pull the plug add a squirt or two of oil and kick with the plug out, check for spark at same time as other have said. Put plug back in and fire it up. Not sure if the pump has an external line or not its been to long since i fooled with Italian harley some had gears on the pump you can pull the gear and spin the shaft by putting the nut back on and using a drill with socket adapter. but not sure how to check for flow. Reason for only one float bowl of premix is you will run it very lean of the gas side. Crank seals can be a problem keep an eye on the plug and idle quailty. Idle will normaly race or rpms hang if there leaking.
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