ProDarwin wrote: Every morning when I walk out to my car, there are anywhere from a couple to 25 deer in my yard. Not allowed to shoot them here :( Although the county does hire archers to take them out I've been told.
Can you club them?
ProDarwin wrote: Every morning when I walk out to my car, there are anywhere from a couple to 25 deer in my yard. Not allowed to shoot them here :( Although the county does hire archers to take them out I've been told.
Can you club them?
I hit one last month. On my drive way. A 6 point buck jumped out of the woods right outside my gate as I was coming out. I jut clipped him. No damage to the car. The deer lost a few hairs that stuck between the hood and head light.
We have a herd of 8 that live out here. Not supposed to shot them but I can havest them with a bow if I obey the game laws and get a big game ticket. I dont have to have a license if I hunt on my own property.
"Gimme a break will ya. We've got bigger does than 76 pounds. Sheesh"
fasted58 wrote:12-13' gator w/ lunch
That's a legitimate photo, but that was GA, not FL
I can honestly say I haven't hit one yet. I have, however, been kamikazied by one while at almost a dead stop. I saw it coming, slowed down, even pulled over onto the shoulder to be as far away from it as I could. The stupid thing just kept coming, slammed into my SE-R right above the driver's front wheel at a full speed, back-legs-over-front-legs sprint. Of course, just to require two body panels and paint blend, its butt spun around slammed into the driver's door. Its nice to see them out in the fields every once in a while, but they sure are stupid.
when i lived in tenesee, i kept spare front clips for my 4x4 dodge ram. one fall/winter i put on 6 front clips due to deer. and fallen trees/rocks. got pretty good at throwing the dead deer (if they weret dead when i hit them, wed track them, put them out of their misery) in the bed, and my buddy elijah would butcher them and wrap the usable meat for a 12 pack of PBR.
i ate a lot of deer. and sold that damned truck. michael
Sonic wrote: If I had been driving my Land Rover with the big ass push bar in front, it probably would have bounced the deer out of the way, and perhaps bent the push bar slightly. Silly deer.
truth. I hit a many-point buck at 60mph dead-on in my '90 Cherokee (with stock bumpers, etc but a 3" lift and 31s.) Hit him shoulder-high, and then ran over him (bump bump).
Only damage: one cracked hella fog light. one cracked plastic grille (where the fog light smacked back into it), and one side of the bumper bent back about 4".
Total replacement cost for parts, brand new: $92. Love cheap Jeep stuff.
it was pretty scary though. Felt like I ran into a brick wall.
Also had a deer straight run into the side of my accord fender, roll over the hood, and take off into the woods. More damage on that one!
When I was in high school I knew a cute girl who wanted to learn to drive. I offered to teach her, but she didn't want to drive a stick, so I borrowed my sister's escort. The last thing she said to me was, "Don't wreck it."
The driving lesson went fine. When we got to the main road (i.e. higher speed) we traded places so I could drive. Naturally, I hit a deer.
I hit one about 4 years ago. It was already laying in the road dead. I collected the carcass. Boy did that make a mess of the bottom of my Passat.
JoeyM wrote:fasted58 wrote:That's a legitimate photo, but that was GA, not FL' gator w/ lunch
photographed 40 mi. outside of Savanna Ga, I never said Fla or Tx for that matter
In reply to Sonic:
Sorry to hear it, mang.
First off, glad you're OK--that is some sketchy stuff.
Sucks that it happened to the "nice" car.
Missed a deer, hit a tree. Clipped a deer, no damage. Deer hit me, 1 1/2 months in the body shop. Hit deer, wrinkled hood= totaled. Clipped another deer, no damage.
Mother hits 2 deer several months apart, insurance drops us all.
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