I can't post a pic of the part, but I could e-mail it to someone if anyone else could post it. It appears to be something that came apart inside the engine where I cant see where it came from. It ran, but has a loud tick that sounds like valvetrain noise.
Could anyone post a pic of the piece if I e-mail it? Id like to actually know what it was. The car isn't worth $250 plus shipping from GA unfortunately, and I don't think I will find another good engine here.
In reply to Travis_K:
Shoot me a PM and I'll post it.
BTW, where are you located?
I sent you a message, I think you will have to reply before I can attach pictures though.
Thanks for posting the pics . Does anyone have an idea what that part might be?
I don't know anything about Subaru's, but it doesn't really strike me as something that belongs in a bottom end. I looked at a couple of exploded diagrams on opposedforces and didn't find anything that struck me as similar.
It does, however, strike me as one of the little arms that hold the stones on a cylinder hone...
That actually looks exactly like it... I wonder how that ended up in the oil pan. I didn't think it looked like an engine part either, thats why I just went ahead and stuck the engine in the car to see what would happen. If no one else thinks that looks like an engine part I will just see how long it stays running I guess, I don't think just noisy lifters are a sign its about to explode in the next few thousand miles.
Ya, almost lookslike a rocker, but it doesnt. I'm gnnago wth tool.
6/24/13 8:16 a.m.
Travis_K wrote:
I don't think just noisy lifters are a sign its about to explode in the next few thousand miles.
FWIW when I swapped the spare EJ22 into the wartburg it had a terrible lifter tick. Drove it anyway and it disappeared about 500 miles later. I think they just get pretty gummed up if the motors sit around unused.
Try a quart of Marvel Mystery Oil to help with the tick. Lucky for you that doesn't appear to be any Subaru engine part I've seen before.
Yeah can't imagine what engine part that could be. If it's a finger from a hone tool then this is the equivalent of finding a forceps in your abdomen X-ray
Is it a silver shaving or are there gold (bronze) bits mixed in? Sounds like you lost a rod bearing. They tick like crazy.
6/24/13 12:02 p.m.
That really looks like a lever from a radiator cap. That then got dropped In an open oil filler neck...
6/24/13 12:04 p.m.
The Ej22 heads are good, but the followers don't like junk gumming things up.
No other metal shavings at all, only that one weird metal thing. It was actually really clean inside otherwise.
Jaxmadine wrote:
Ya, almost lookslike a rocker, but it doesnt. I'm gnnago wth tool.
I agree, but the scary part is...where's the stone?