Good solid day for team Sundae in Rio. Seth and I both pulled a session at CMP pulling in second in class, slowly pushing us up in the overall rankings. Started at 66, now up to 64th. Scott and Becky making us respectable at 53rd, Pete and Eric at 70 and Tim and Marlon at 81.
Bigger news is Tim and Seth today both getting seat time for the first time in a while. Both did well and both were excited and exuberant after their session. That was the best part of the day.
second best might have been the head to head at lanier on the oval. So fun. Wanted to turn right but there was no place to go.
some CMP morning session photos...
Is there a list of makes and models for the SundaeCup. I am Interested in seeing if it could be re created in the sim world as those cars look like a blast to drive!!!
In reply to dean1484 :
It's the expansion of Spec Fit. Less about exact car and more about HP:Weight of 1:25.
Popular cars: Fit, Mazda2, Fiesta, Rio
John Welsh said:
Popular cars: Fit, Mazda2, Fiesta, Rio
This looks like a blast! Do any of these cars stand out above the rest as far as on track performance?
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo :
That A1 GTI is hawt!
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Based on past results in Gridlife Sundae cup, the Fit's seem to be near the top or on top at most events but it started as a Fit only class so they have been more developed and thus might not reflect potential of all currently eligible cars. I know my old Fiesta made it into the number 2 spot at the Gingerman Raceway Gridlife event last year and the Mazda Two is very very similar to it in terms of suspension (some common parts) so potential is likely similar. Bob is showing that the Kia can do well and I know that a B-spec Mini has also demonstrated capability of a finish near the top. Lots of good options :)
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Being a Spec Class, the focus then goes to the quality of the driver vs the quality of the car. Here in One Lap, notice that of the 4 SC cars we have a Mazda2 in 1st and a Mazda2 in 4th place. But, all involved will tell you that Scott and Becky in the #1 car are the undenied best drivers.
Here is a link to the results of the most recent SC event at Corvette Track. There, Fit took #1,#2,#3 but remember, this grew out of Spec Fit. Also there, and not last place, were Celica, Civic and CR-Z (the years I am unsure.) The first race of 2022 also included Coopers and a Cobalt
These guys will all be happy to "talk you to death" about why they chose their cars.
I'm enjoying seeing these SC cars on Grid with the Rabbit GTI and Audi 4000. It serves as a great reminder of what these cars are a modern interpretation of.
John Welsh said:
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo :
Speaking of flatbeds...attrition...
I see that Jenna DNS (did not start) her GTI at Nashville for both morning or afternoon. What happened?
I also see the 944 DNS morning or afternoon either?
The 911 Turbo S DNS for the afternoon only?
Results page
Attrition report:
Carolina AM: 8 cars DNS
Carolina PM: 8 cars DNS
Jenna was still out and missed all of Carolina
Lanier: 10 cars DNS
Jenna was back/repaired and put up a admirable 34th overall for Lanier event!
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
The class started life as "Spec Fit" and then turned to what it is now. As such the cars with the most development within this rule set are GD3 Fits. That being said there was a Mini on the podium at AMP with a very full field in the class that weekend.
As everyone else said though its very much a drivers class because any car that's legal will punish you massively timewise for minor mistakes.
John Welsh said:
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Being a Spec Class, the focus then goes to the quality of the driver vs the quality of the car. Here in One Lap, notice that of the 4 SC cars we have a Mazda2 in 1st and a Mazda2 in 4th place. But, all involved will tell you that Scott and Becky in the #1 car are the undenied best drivers.
Here is a link to the results of the most recent SC event at Corvette Track. There, Fit took #1,#2,#3 but remember, this grew out of Spec Fit. Also there, and not last place, were Celica, Civic and CR-Z (the years I am unsure.) The first race of 2022 also included Coopers and a Cobalt
These guys will all be happy to "talk you to death" about why they chose their cars.
I'm enjoying seeing these SC cars on Grid with the Rabbit GTI and Audi 4000. It serves as a great reminder of what these cars are a modern interpretation of.
And every one of these cars has a good part and bad part. The Rio has a little more power but the gearing kinda sucks but at a big track like road America with long straights it can use that and reign jn the fits pretty well on the back end and with the bigger brakes can brake harder and later. The two's have less power but also weight. Mid corner speeds are a little better but they lack the power to pull down the straights so smaller tracks like Blackhawk are great for them. The Fits are a great all around and well developed option because they have enough power and are light enough.
day 4 and we are all still running and driving! Today was beautiful Barber Motorsports fantastic facility. It's truly beautiful and the track is pretty great as well.
Morning session had Scott, Pete, Tim and Seth running and finishing in that order. Unlike most of the tracks we visit track walks are prohibited so everyone has to rely on their recon lap and videos or previous experience there. Great for Seth and I as we were stuck in traffic for 3 hours trying to get to the track 30 miles from where we had stayed at a friends house the night before.
Afternoon Tim and Seth traded out for Marlon and myself to get a shot at this awesome track. I took the lessons Seth had for me and dropped 10 seconds off his morning session putting us into 3rd in class and 71st overall for the session.
Scott/Becky 55
Bob/Seth 70
Pete/Eric 71
Tim/Marlon 80
now we are all on the road for 700 miles headed to Oklahoma
View a few minutes ago, after a dinner other run....
We're chasing a sub 1:15 AM arrival but we're pushing harder than usual to get that. Not driving fast, but doing things like making sure a gas station and fast food share a parking lot, are a right turn off the freeway and we alternate bathroom and ordering food. Our dinner/gas stop added 12 minutes to our ETA and 3-4 minutes of that was the McDonalds kids being silly in the back rather than making cheeseburgers fast. We've all had that job with friends so it was fine.
I wasn't super happy with my driving today, making the same significant mistake 2.5/3 laps losing multiple whole seconds each time I did it. The KIA did what Bob built it to do and was forgiving of my errors and let me get it safely back where it was supposed to go without tagging Barber's super expensive grass. It's a good car.
I work across the street from Heartland, so if anybody needs anything while you're in Topeka, let me know, 785-850-1274. I get off work at 5pm; if timing is convenient for me to come by the track after work, great, if not, maybe I can sneak out for a few minutes in the early afternoon. Or if anybody wants to come for a quick tour of a helicopter, that could be arranged.
In the meantime, go fast and don't hit anything.
It's 8:50pm local, and we just passed Tom's dinner spot "Nick's"
In reply to JohnInKansas :
Expect they will be at track at 0700 with fastest cars leaving about 1245 and slower cars leaving about 1445
The track side hotels, the night before, about 8pm might be beers in the hotel parking lot.
In reply to John Welsh :
Sans rain we will be doing drags at heartland starting at 4 and brackets at 5. But I wouldn't expect much past 6-6:30 because we have 500 miles to get to Putnam/clover sale for Friday.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
5/3/22 11:06 p.m.
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo :
I would tell Andy, but he's already asleep.
In reply to Tom Suddard :
You do realize you have declared war in a bunch of sleep deprived crazy people that have spent 10 hours in buzzy, loud and uncomfortable crap boxes and Seth and I right?
We're about 250 miles out from the track (212 from the hotel) and stopped at a gas station outside Morilton, AR for a fill up. As a point of reference, the Tesla Plaid was pulling out of the same stop and back onto I40 as we were pulling in.
Marlon heard some flapping, so we've found an overlook to try and ziptie fix the lower front valence. Hopefully back going soon.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
5/3/22 11:51 p.m.
In reply to bobzilla :
I asked him at one point "so is there a speed where this car becomes nervous or uncomposed?" And he simply replied "No."
Then we spent a few minutes wondering if a Sundae Cup car could actually reach the speed we had the cruise control set to.
I have serious respect for you guys doing this event in those cars.