Tom1200 HalfDork
5/16/18 10:10 p.m.

So I recently took my Formula 500 to one of our schools careers on wheels day. A big thank you to the guys who emailed me with details of their jobs in motorsport

TasdevEngineer2of3 New Reader
5/16/18 10:21 p.m.

Thanks for caring enough to do this. Never can tell how it may change or help a child later in their life. Took our Formula V to my son's school when he was in kindergarten and junior high. Of course he was by my side when in kindergarten and totally ignored me in junior high. Got more questions from the teachers than the kids.

Hungary Bill
Hungary Bill PowerDork
5/17/18 6:14 a.m.

Absolutely awesome

stylngle2003 New Reader
5/17/18 9:39 a.m.

very cool, what a great community outreach idea

914Driver MegaDork
5/17/18 2:36 p.m.

Not to hijack, but it works wonders!   We brought two gliders to a local high school for the science & physics classes to see.  They had a lot of questions as we explained how you stay up with no engine, eyeball math to pick a landing site etc.  It really helped getting them re-motivated for school.

Good for you Tom.



Toyman01 MegaDork
5/17/18 3:56 p.m.

Good for you!

My wife and I do a vehicle day every year for a local elementary school. It's a pretty good time.

We usually have one of the favorite vehicles. This year we got one upped by a local hospital. 


Tom1200 HalfDork
5/17/18 9:20 p.m.

If you think the air ambulance is a serious one up, two years ago a canine squad showed up with the most adorable yellow lab.............even I wanted to spend time with the doggy.

My car is a bit scruffy but the kids don't care so it makes it a lot of fun. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
5/17/18 9:27 p.m.

Totally awesome. Thank you for doing that. 

Type Q
Type Q SuperDork
5/17/18 9:41 p.m.

That is pretty cool.  The people I remember showing at my school to show their equipment were the police. smiley

5/17/18 9:51 p.m.

Took this GTM to local Trade/Vo-Ag high school show and took the door off so the kids could climb in and sit in it easily. Shoulda got pics with students in it, they had a blast making vrooom vrooom noises.


Tom1200 HalfDork
5/17/18 11:10 p.m.

To quote a line from On Any Sunday "racers are good people" it's nice to see everyone share their enthusiasm. 

I had no idea until this year but this year the counselor who organizes the event told me the school has no PTA and very little community involvement. It's not a low income neighborhood but pretty much working class so very few kids have anyone with the wherewithal to be a racer or for that matter an extra car. 

I also mention that as a racer you can do some reading and learn things that can make you faster than someone who doesn't take the time to read. I bring something like Tune To Win or How to Make Your Car Handle, it's shameless I know but hopefully it plants a bug in their ear.  

fasted58 MegaDork
5/17/18 11:46 p.m.

Hope you reached a few kids for STEM or trades consideration, there is so much science in race cars. Kids are right age to make a lasting impression. F500 is a good car, right size for kids. Kids loved my old D Sport, right on their level. You could see the look, hey wanna get in, vroom vroom.

Well done!


914Driver MegaDork
5/18/18 5:45 a.m.

Toyman, the black van in front of you; is that the guy from "Gearz"?

Toyman01 MegaDork
5/18/18 6:38 a.m.

In reply to 914Driver :

That is a local food truck. 

ccrunner New Reader
5/18/18 2:22 p.m.

I'm a middle school teacher and coincidentally today is our annual 'career day'... those of you like Tom1200 that have involved yourselves in these things are heroes!  You're lighting fires in these kids that you can't imagine, and it's so cool of you to take the time to come out and share your passion and knowledge..  Be it a puppy, a racecar, or a helicopter, these kids need to see this stuff.. it really helps them understand that the world is much bigger and more interesting that some history class (I teach history so I can say that laugh)


sleepyhead Mod Squad
1/31/19 3:50 a.m.

zombie canoe, post deleted

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