I just got a phone call this week from some one in cali that wants a streeing column from my spirit I am parting out. I am in trevor, wis. He is in cali somewhere. We both heard about shipping with gray hound busline?
How to box up parts and how to send it off?
Thanks guys.
5/28/15 12:22 a.m.
All your answers lie here: http://www.shipgreyhound.com/e/pages/Home.aspx
I've shipped a rather large body kit with greyhound. Pretty easy stuff. I just wrapped it in cardboard, taped the crap out of it, and put the address on it (just like the post office).
Easy money
I'm glad that this came up as I'll likely be picking up some large items in the near future (complete suspension arms, rear hatch and possible some other bits) and this may be the way to go for shipping them.