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DirtyBird222 UberDork
4/29/20 10:45 a.m.

I typically run the number "222" or "236" if it's a one man show like an autox, hpde, rallyx, etc.  I always ended up with 2 or 22 in sports growing up. My uncle always ran "36" on his circle track cars at DeSoto speedway (you know the one Cletus owns now).

For Champcar we run "969" because nice. 


snailmont5oh Dork
4/29/20 12:17 p.m.

I run 13 whenever possible. One of my earliest memories is of my dad's demo car in the early '70s. It was a '66 T-bird, and it was 13. I asked him why 13, and he said that it was an unlucky number, and never to be put on racecars.  He was a bit of an antihero. Even though he was a state trooper, and known for his bravery, risk taking (that always seemed to work out for all involved), and "stand up for the little guy" attitude, he always embraced the negative. His CB handle was "Pig Pen" (the always-dirty Peanuts character, and "pig" being a term for a cop), and any time he needed a number for competition, it was 13. 

ultraclyde (Forum Supporter)
ultraclyde (Forum Supporter) UltimaDork
4/29/20 2:49 p.m.

23 has always been a recurring number in my life. Or at least I notice it frequently. Student numbers, employee numbers, addresses, all kinds of stuff.

When I started autox I tried to use it but it was usually taken so I started running 523. This came from one of the weirder 23 recurrences in college. I was living at a duplex with a buddy and the address was 523 Butler st. He drove a 3rd gen accord and I started looking for a used car while living there. I told him I'd never buy an accord because although his was fine, it would be weird if I got one too. In short, I caught a great deal on a 5spd Accord coupe and we didn't realize until later that both of our state issued tags were 523 like the address. All from different counties too.

So it stuck.

thatsnowinnebago (Forum Supporter)
thatsnowinnebago (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
4/29/20 5:06 p.m.

I picked 89 because that was the time for my first autocross class win. That was racing a 91 Miata in CSP so methinks I was in a slow region...

AxeHealey HalfDork
4/30/20 8:01 a.m.


13 was my original number for baseball/basketball because Omar Vizquel was my favorite player. I always played "up" and somewhere along the line, an older kid on my team already had 13 so I moved to 14 and it stuck. I've had the number on any sports team I played on that I could and it's been on every car that I've competed with save a handful of times when I was late registering and needed to have 114, 141, etc. or was driving someone else's car.

Edit for pic.

Tom1200 Dork
4/30/20 9:50 a.m.

Love that tow vehicle.

DirtyBird222 UberDork
4/30/20 10:45 a.m.
Toyman01 (Forum Supporter) said:

#23. Because that's the number the Abomination ran at the Challenge in '06.

Screw the race car, whats with that bus back there? 

snailmont5oh Dork
4/30/20 12:37 p.m.
DirtyBird222 said:
Toyman01 (Forum Supporter) said:

#23. Because that's the number the Abomination ran at the Challenge in '06.

Screw the race car, whats with that bus back there? 

Funny you should ask: 





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