I know what you're thinking, but I'm telling you, this thing is like Millennium Falcon. I got it for the grand total of $0 when my mom finally got a new utility car, a 90 Subaru Loyale Wagon that looks brand new. It's got 300k miles, pretty rusty, and in horrible over-all condition. So after a tune up and a few minor fixes, she was ready for the BABE Rally. I had to fix the tail light.
Rolled some paint on the old girl.
Then it was decal time.
They were looking a bit rough after some rain.
Did some off-roading
Looking a bit out of place at the Ferrari Dealership.
Just hanging out
We ended up finishing in 6th place out of 56 teams (I think). Here's our blog if you're interested in reading about the trip: http://teamthegoodbadandugly.blogspot.com
So what do you do with a BABE car after it's over? My answer from the beginning was...wait for it...demolition derby. So after welding up the tie rods, moving the cis-e fuel distributor to where the battery was, moving the battery and gas tank into the car, making a cage out of two jeep wrangler roll bars, and adding some dirt bike tires onto some temporary spare wheels, we have this.
Waiting in line to enter the track.
In the midst of madness.
I ended up getting shoved into the dirt berm and the guy who shoved me into it got stuck to me. I had some friends in the field that I had hoped would knock him off of me, but as I looked around they were already dead. The car still drove fine, and I think I'm going to pull it back out and run her again.
This car has been a trooper, and simply refuses to die. I'm going to try one more time, and if it's still running after that, I may just have to give up.
Oh yeah, and my total budget for prepping for the BA/BE Rally was somewhere around $100. The total budget for prepping for the Demo Derby was right at $100. I'd say that's pretty damn grassroots.
damn son!!
found your next one...

I love the dirtbike tires on the mini spares. That rules.
Rusty_Rabbit84 wrote:
damn son!!
found your next one...
I will probably commit various crimes if someone takes that to a demo derby.
I want that thing SO badly, i've seen it a few times in ads. I wonder if i could convince the GF that it would make a good "together" project.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
I love the dirtbike tires on the mini spares. That rules.
That it does. Gives me crazy ideas for winter tires if I ever move to somewhere that'd need them!
DILYSI Dave wrote:
I love the dirtbike tires on the mini spares. That rules.
Corey is definitely smarter than the average bear!
A destruction derby - one of the few acceptable ways for a car to meet it's end 
It's about ready for lemons I think.
Paul_VR6 wrote:
It's about ready for lemons I think.
That's tempting. I just wish there was a race remotely close to me. Maybe that would kill it. Nothing else seems to work.
wow, that car has been through alot since last I saw it...
There's some action shots on my friend's flickr site. I didn't notice it at the time, but I'm pretty sure one team was trying to flip me over.
That tail light lense screams of "shrinky dinks" and also makes me think a "Light Brite" tail light would be hilarious. (I know it wasn't actually made of shrinky dinks...but it could be ;))
In reply to 16vCorey:
Rock on Corey! Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
7/28/09 7:48 p.m.
Is it still registered? Maybe you can turn it in for Cash for Clunkers.
Woody wrote:
Is it still registered? Maybe you can turn it in for Cash for Clunkers.
Haha! Actually, the plates just lapsed two weeks ago, but it does have insurance until the end of the month! As hilarious as that would be, it would take a lot more than that to get me to take a new car or a car payment.
did the dirt bike tires work good? I would think it would be a bit to narow.
Corey You are the man, hope to see you at the babe rally next year!!
I have a similar end thoughts for my lincoln (Connie the Spiteful Be-otch) ... What kind of prep did they require for the derby ... they have one locally but I think they only run light classes.
junkbuggie wrote:
did the dirt bike tires work good? I would think it would be a bit to narow.
They worked fantastically well. I could easily outrun anyone out there. It was pretty much like driving on pavement. I wish there would have been a way to hide them, as a lot of the competitors took notice. Another bonus is the mini spare wheels dish in, so if someone tries to take out a tire, they hit the wheel first. The tires never got touched.
littleturquoiseb wrote:
Corey You are the man, hope to see you at the babe rally next year!!
I have a similar end thoughts for my lincoln (Connie the Spiteful Be-otch) ... What kind of prep did they require for the derby ... they have one locally but I think they only run light classes.
That would be awesome. As nice as that car looks, she kinda deserves it. There really isn't that much prep required, but it's a lot of work if you actually want to be competitive. They actually started a new "stock" class around here, where all you have to do is mount your battery and fuel tank in the car, and take out all the glass and lights. The only modifications your allowed to do is install a bar or plate on the driver's door. Actually, here's the rules from the group that puts on most of the demo derbies around here:
Per Schroeder wrote:
I heart Corey.
+1...even more than yesterday....but not half as much as if he comes to hang @ LeMons.
7/31/09 10:40 a.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
Corey is definitely smarter than the average bear!
I thought you said Corey is smarter than the average "beer", which I was going to wholeheartedly agree with!
Rock on, Corey!