So, I just dragged one of these home. It's a '95 F-150 FlareSide like the one in the picture. Mine's Beige and is in dire need of a Coyote or even an LSx.
Anyway, I need the mounting brackets that hold on those molded fiberglass side steps you see in the photo. My brackets have returned to the earth. It seems that all of the vehicles I've found have shared the same fate. Ford doesn't make them anymore. I can't find them on eBay.
I'm hoping that someone in a dryer climate can keep an eye out for a set when they're scrounging the junk yard. They're on '92 to '95 F-150s as well as full size Broncos of the same vintage. I only need the brackets that hold them on, not the fiberglass steps. I will reimburse you for expenses through PayPal or cases of beer.
Help a GRMer out. You can PM me or call or text at 856-9 Ate Won-Won Too 7 Won.

Will keep an eye out. We should have a thread for JY requests.
Had some similar on a '90 F-150. Can ya just fab 'em?
10/19/15 7:39 p.m.
Bring it by my place, we'll fab something up. Done deal (once my back heals unless you just wanna use my tools and instruction)
JThw8 has generously (foolishly ) offered to try to help me fab some. I'd still like to try and find some OEM ones, so keep your eyes peeled. Thanks all.
Nice find, I like those step sides a lot, is it a manual or auto?
I'll be headed to the U-Pull-It lot this weekend, I'll take a look in the F150 section. If they are there, I doubt they are not rusted though. Here in PA, I've seen marble rust.
Tim Baxter wrote:
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
We should have a thread for JY requests.
Yes please
For now, how about this: If you're seeking the hive's help in finding a part, use a subject line that makes that point clear. For example: "Help me find the tonneau brackets for a 19xx-'xx Ford Flareside pickup." Or whatever. That should help broadcast the call for assistance.
LOL here I was rolling my eyes at the thread title, thinking this was going to be another one of those GoFundMe deals.
David, Common speak is ISO (In Search Of), would that work?
aussiesmg wrote:
David, Common speak is ISO (In Search Of), would that work?
I think anything that makes it clear what part is needed would work just fine.
Desmond wrote:
LOL here I was rolling my eyes at the thread title, thinking this was going to be another one of those GoFundMe deals.
I expected another Challenge parking lot build involving Jeremy.
Still one of my favorite truck designs ever!
Thanks guys.
David, I'm sorry about the less-than-clear title.
Aussie, it's a 300" six with an auto (for now).