"So, what exactly makes a project car?”
It was a good question. It came from the floor during some talk I was hosting as a last-minute fill-in. The subject, in fact, might have been project cars.
There was a crowd watching. I needed an answer stat.
“A build that has a vision fro…
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In the end, they're all project cars
I've had several vehicles turn into projects that never started with a vision for a build. Sometimes they simply needed enough major repairs to be considered a project. Other times I couldn't just replace a broken part with a stock replacement when modern improvements were too easy to find.
More power and better handling. The first real project vehicle I did was a 1972 LUV truck engine swapped to a 283 sbc. Changed the steering to use a power rack and pinion. Added disc front brakes. Everything I did before that truck was just bolt on stuff. Cosmetic appearance is nice on some projects, on others the beater look adds to the sleeper factor. I have done it both ways. In the end if the experience from drivers seat does not improve I don't think I was successful.
5/5/23 1:49 p.m.
A project car is a journey with a car that does not require driving. But like all journeys, it does require a destination, a roadmap and some sort of a budget. There will be challenges along the way that can not be foreseen from the start. Slight chance it could kill you.
Ok my most enjoyable but marginally successful project was my 05 subie wagon as a daily driver but also track car all the easy bolt on suspension stuff bars coil overs brakes wheels and tires-engine stock internals with nice exhaust and k&n intake filter makes for a nice track car and tractable street car I love it but hate certain things like engine mapping. I love it for street use and it's good on track but the engine is fragile