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Andy Hollis
Andy Hollis
1/23/24 7:43 a.m.
bobzilla said:

In reply to Andy Hollis :

So when did red titles no longer mean staff?

Just confirmed...you are correct sir.  Apologies for doubting you.  :)

bobzilla MegaDork
1/23/24 7:56 a.m.

Now to just get you to try my Korean love...

Andy Hollis
Andy Hollis
1/23/24 8:19 a.m.
bobzilla said:

Now to just get you to try my Korean love...

Whoa now...let's not get carried away!

And back on topic, this one has been making the rounds today.  My test tires had no sticker attached, but the goo was still there where one had been.  I thought that odd...until I see this.


SCCA Solo and TT rules require tires to be Designed for Highway Use.

PS: that redacted part is the size.  No idea why its redacted.

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Publisher
1/23/24 8:30 a.m.

Okay, after getting up to speed on the drama here, I've removed Javelin's spam moderator status. While we love and appreciate his efforts to keep the forum spam free, it's clear that we need a better system to indicate who's speaking on behalf of GRM, and who's a volunteer spam moderator. This should eliminate the confusion. 

bobzilla MegaDork
1/23/24 8:39 a.m.

I think the line drawn for me is when there were comments that volunteers that work to make a program run were pocketing money for themselves. 

I know these people. I am lucky to call many of them my friends and I can tell you every single one of them has put out more of their own money than any deal like this could garner.... and they would not take it anyway. Personal grudges against the owner of VU should be left at that, a personal grudge. Throwing shade on anything related to it is going against our #1 rule... don't be a richard. I don't know what a person 2500 miles away cares about what a local region and small business is trying to do for its membership. 

I guess I shouldn't tell you about their region specific FWC class that has a pax of 5 and no tire or mod restrictions. Probably blow peoples minds. 

DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) UltimaDork
1/23/24 9:28 a.m.

In reply to Andy Hollis :

So now we need a comparison test between the Tempesta P1 and the Hoosier R7, and for purely selfish reasons , I'll say in the 285/30/15 size +/- 10mm. Unfortunately, after all this merry-go-round stops, the tire is still not SCCA eligible and will almost certainly not be as quick as a pure race tire. Maybe Vitour can start moulding them at 7/32 tread depth (like the Yokes) and get a TW200 approval for 2025.

Javelin MegaDork
1/23/24 9:38 a.m.
bobzilla said:

In reply to Javelin :

Is it really a good look having a GRM mod trolling a local region that he has never ran with, has no experience with and never planned to run with? Look, we get it. You have a hard on for this tire and some personal beef with Sammie here. Great. Go figure that out somewhere else and leave people that are just trying to support their local members with tires through a small business local supplier alone. 

I am no longer an Indy region member. Not because of the region, but because of the SCCA as a whole. I’ve seen how their leadership treats people they don’t agree with. I’ve seen how they treat regions that focus on the members more than the organization. That’s my problem. But these people you keep attacking are good people I have known for years and know that they are just trying to offer something of worth to their membership and grow the region. 

All yall E36 M3ting on them and then getting pissy because you got blocked? Yeah take your outrage somewhere else and let people be. I would think a GRM mod would remember the #1 rule: don’t be a dick. Apparently the standards have slipped severely.

this is what I posted to SCCA social. I will leave it here as well. I don't know what your issue is and really don't give a berkeley. That local supplier this region is using is a small business started by one of us. He and his wife work full time jobs and run their shop on the side and are good people trying to help people like us save some money buying things we would be buying anyway. 

Some of the other people you've attacked are volunteers that bust their ass to make sure that there are events and locations to have them. 

my suggestion: put the keyboard away for a little bit and cool down. I've shared meals, tracks and beers with these people you are calling shysters in the region and I can tell you that you are flat out wrong. 

I didn't troll a local region page, I asked about their contingency announcement, which was shared on the national Solo and TT pages of which I am a member, and expressed public support for the new vendor. 

I don't have a hard on for the tire, and have stated numerous times that it's intriguing and I would like to try it if I could get it outside of the original "sole importer".

I do not have a hard on for Sammy, my beef has been with the self-proclaimed "ceo" of VU Development, who continues to publicly libel GRM, and I don't "troll" him, I post facts with visual evidence. 

Never once had I used my status as a spam Moderator to gain any favor, garner any attention, nor do anything else untoward and your accusation that I did is E36 M3 Bob. 

I stand by both my assertion that VU Development is a shyster and that the tire is worthy of being looked into.

I don't even know what else to say. I expect scam business "owners" to lie about me on social media to try and squeeze some dollars, but not another long time GRMer on the forum. 

Good day to you sir. 

Andy Hollis
Andy Hollis
1/23/24 9:39 a.m.
DeadSkunk (Warren) said:

In reply to Andy Hollis :

So now we need a comparison test between the Tempesta P1 and the Hoosier...

Eric Andersen did that for you already...only .4 off a 275 A7 in an autocross setting.


caSSino New Reader
1/23/24 9:39 a.m.

Lexus ISF at Tsukuba (use closed caption for translation to English):

RE71RS 1:02.364
Nankang CR-S 1:03.237 (different day no video of lap shown I believe)
Vitour Wraith 100tw 1:02.427 (some traffic present probably cost some time)



bobzilla MegaDork
1/23/24 9:53 a.m.

In reply to Javelin :

I read every one of your posts. You were being a Richard. Period. That's how you came across and it bolsters others to do the same. Don't like my take on how you handled yourself, too bad. I don't give a E36 M3. My friends and local family work their ass off only to be trolled by some personal beef from across the country. 

you can't fling E36 M3 and then play innocent. 

Javelin MegaDork
1/23/24 10:03 a.m.
bobzilla said:

In reply to Javelin :

I read every one of your posts. You were being a Richard. Period. That's how you came across and it bolsters others to do the same. Don't like my take on how you handled yourself, too bad. I don't give a E36 M3. My friends and local family work their ass off only to be trolled by some personal beef from across the country. 

you can't fling E36 M3 and then play innocent. 

Tell me which posts exactly trolled your friends and family and I will publicly retract them.

Peabody MegaDork
1/23/24 10:05 a.m.


gumby Dork
1/23/24 10:07 a.m.
Javelin said:

Tell me which posts exactly trolled your friends and family and I will publicly retract them.

There is no need. The results of your actions speak for themselves.

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Publisher
1/23/24 10:21 a.m.

Whelp, this has now gone fully off the rails.

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