...because I already have too much stuff. When work is slow, I look at FB market, Craigslist and a few auction sites. Not that I need more projects, but ...it is how I got all my current and past projects. In the last 2 months, I sold a car and two motorcycles and will keep 'rotating stock'. Until I have time to wrap up a few projects, I can only window shop.

When I get a day off, I may inquire about trading a complete w/title Porsche 914 with all the normal rust for this (I think it's okay to trade projects 1 for 1):

That Citroen is simply awesome. Get it running and leave the exterior exactly like it is!
That's an interesting selection of vehicles to be shopping!
No, paint it and turn it back into a Goddess. Right now it looks neglected. It should look elegant.
Love the RX7. "only problem is a blown apex seal".
As fantastic as the DS is, I'd balk at giving up a 914 for it unless said 914 was so horrible the DS owner should turn me down anyway...
The RX-7 needs XS-A prep. Or maybe just Street Mod?
Anyhow, admirable taste and admirable restraint.
8/1/22 10:47 a.m.
My "Hot take" of the day.
Citroen worked very diligently to remove everything we as automotive enthusiasts love to wax poetic about.
Instead of "communicative, firm steering", "good braking feel" and "confidence inspiring suspension" you get a very disconnected feel to everything.
If you can be OK with that then you might like the Citroen experience. I myself find it disorienting to the point where they make me a bit seasick.
No matter how used to it I think I am, I still audibly yelp when I go to put my foot on the brake pedal and am instead touching that awful brake "button".
This is a shame because I love the styling.
In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :
Please keep sharing with us. I may not ever buy anything (74 is the point you try to get rid of stuff) but I sure like looking
Can you body swap that Citroen onto any other chassis? It's sofa king cool
8/1/22 11:43 a.m.
I really need the internet to stop showing me affordable Citroen DSs.
Like seriously I know I could make one good to drive. And a sub $3k one I am under no obligation to not do me things with.
In reply to nocones :
Same boat, I would do bad things with a DS and neither of us needs to stack more projects
I really might get serious about the Citroen. Love it for what it is and don't want it to drive or handle like a normal car. The 914 I have in mind for trading was a $2,000 buy and 'almost runs' and has not yet had anyone do a poor attempt at fixing the structural rust (and I still have the black one that I am serious about rebuilding).

I have always both wanted and Not wanted a Mini Cooper. This one has no reserve, runs & drives (without a radiator?), love the wheels, airbag didn't blow and I don't think the windshield is cracked. https://www.copart.com/lot/49090972/salvage-2011-mini-cooper-john-cooper-works-ar-fayetteville

Some assembly required.

I'm probably going to watch the auction Wednesday and make a super-low bid (for the love of wheels).
yupididit said:
Can you body swap that Citroen onto any other chassis? It's sofa king cool
It's the obvious question, right? Or "just" build something if it's so weirdly shaped no other platform can be grafted to it.
It's in the pile of projects that would be awesome if they didn't have to compete for time or space with other projects, but probably wouldn't win that competition.
I had to look. A DS21 has a 123" wheelbase, same as a 1980's and 90's Chevy S-10 extended cab pickup.
Before you start getting ideas, the DS has a front track of 59.1" and a rear track of 51"
I wonder if you could graft in a Honda V6 FWD drivetrain, get rid of the quirky hydraulic system, and have a retro cruiser with epic styling?
The beauty of the DS is how Citroen built what they thought was correct. Feedback? No, we want serenity and isolation. Feedback is noise and vibration. I would love to add a proper DS to the fleet. An electric drivetrain would be interesting, as I suspect it has the attributes Citroen wanted.
I'm really glad that this was already Pending when I saw it. Don't think I could have stopped myself from heading to Joplin with a trailer.

I did contact the seller of the Citroen. Even though the ad says, "...We take trades, especially old VWs, hotrods or other unique unusual cars." He made it clear that he only wants running cars that will be easy for him to flip. I ran through my list of projects that I'd be willing to trade and we did not find anything we could get together on. I made it clear that although I have cash, nothing new comes here until something old goes away. I may pick a car to re-home next week; that 914 or maybe one or two of four Fieros. How the fuff did I end up with FOUR Fieros? I'm still not even sure I like them.
In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :
I don't blame you:
It's 99 degrees outside, maybe a little hotter in my garage. There are six cars here that I want to work on, but I'm staying in the house after 20 minutes in the garage working on the Fiero. The morning was cooler, but I slept 'till 11 after a busy night shift.
Today, I want this and I'm not going to get it:
1947 Ford Sedan - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle automotive sale (craigslist.org)

8/15/22 4:56 p.m.
I'm not gonna buy this to build into a Challenge vehicle. But I should.

Same with this

I really REALLY should buy this, as it is exactly what I need for a hat car with a crown vic, but I can't right now. Anyone with a bit of room for storage and a trailer want to help me out?

If you decide to sell a 914, you know how to reach me.
8/16/22 10:14 a.m.
In reply to preach (dudeist priest) :
That's not an Urquattro, that's just a quattro coupe. It also looks like it still has the factory 20v NA motor, so isn't worth anywhere near the $15k asking price. Maybe if he'd built it into an S2 copy I'd be willing to pay that...
8/16/22 10:24 a.m.
I'm not going to buy a tired old American car with the same wheelbase as a late model Corvette...
I'm in from the garage for a short break. Working on making a good Boxster engine by swapping a few bolt-ons from a bad engine to a good one. Wandered to FB market and found this. Seeing the pictures I can clearly smell the sweet perfume of old diesel fuel and a little oil cooking off the engine from a seeping valve cover. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/5720029094676717/

I keep watching this thread to see if a mk1 Ford/Merc Capri shows up and makes me do something drastic. So far I've been in the clear, but how long will my luck hold out?
In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :
Maybe the French aren't so crazy after all? The Citroen DS21 is closer to aero perfect than almost anything else made.
A rain drop is round in front and tapered towards the rear like the DS21 .