I'll start by saying I take no credit for teaching him, other than to know my limits and letting others do what I suck at. Big thanks to Steven for teaching him Karts and how to read and drive a course. Big thanks to Tom for talking him through today and keeping the him on course and calm.
Learners permit was issued Wednesday. Drove a car for the first time yesterday, Friday. Drove in a autocross today, Saturday.
First place in Novice.

I get the feeling he's going to be stomping all of us before it's all said and done.
Awesome! Congratulations ToyKid
12/8/18 6:27 p.m.
That’s awesome. Congrats!
New Reader
12/8/18 8:24 p.m.
Way to go! Brag all you want, this is the best!
Well, spending money on race tires should keep him from having money to spend on other trouble, which is nice. 
12/9/18 8:07 a.m.
Excellent, it's great to be able to share your hobbies with your kids and as a plus you know where they are and what they are up to. When our kids were younger we all rode dirt bikes and have some great memories of some of our adventures. Enjoy it as long as you can.
mazdeuce - Seth said:
Well, spending money on race tires should keep him from having money to spend on other trouble, which is nice. 
It's worked for the other three. Might as well continue the tradition.
Glad he's out burning rubber in a parking lot instead of acting like a Justin.
Congrats! My 20 month old just learned how to pick up his feet and roll on the bog wheel down the hill. He doesn't yet know how to stop except by running into things, though.
Congrats, Toyman & Toyson. That is awesome.
I'm a little jealous. I taught my 15.5-y.o. son to drive stick yesterday. He learned quickly (only stalled it once), commented on how much better the Miata handled vs. the Buick he's used to driving.
Then he asked: "Why would you want to drive a stick shift when an automatic is so much easier?"
"Because it's fun," I replied. "Don't you think it's fun?"
"Sort of," he said. Then he pulled over five minutes later and asked me to drive the rest of the way home. He likes the Buick. It's big, it's roomy, it's quiet, it's easy.
He's a nice-looking kid, he gets good grades, he is an elite soccer player, and I'm proud of him...but he's not a car guy, and I need to accept that he never will be.
In reply to bluebarchetta :
When you hand him the keys to the Buick, make sure he's wearing a cable-knot sweater. Put a La-Z-Boy in his bedroom, too. Does he own a pair of those huge slip-on sunglasses? He should. And a beaded seat cover and package-shelf tissue box for the Buick.
If you're gonna go old man, go all the way. 
Going to rock? Wrong tense; he already rocks.