OK trying to replace some tie rod ends - 87 audi quatro - its the kind that screw on that have a nut that goes over top squeezing the tie rod down. I can't for the life of me get that nut to back off - i cleaned the shown threads with a wire bruss, let it sit in PB Blaster for a while. Than I used MAP gas and got it as hot as i could - still nothing. Using a big pipe wrench on the rod and wrench on the nut.
any suggestions? First autoX is coming up quick!
Cut it and replace both inner and outer tie rod?
Are you sure you're turning them the right direction? It's not a left-hand thread, is it?
Had to do this job on a 1991 Audi 200 because no shop wanted to deal with it for under a lot of money. If I remember correctly it took two days and many cycles of heating and soaking with PB Blaster. Final solution was a 1 foot pipe wrench and all the angry thoughts I could muster after those two days and it broke loose. Persistence fixes most old Audi problems. Just make sure you have it supported well so that all the torque is going into breaking the threads instead of bending the tie rod/ rack. Full tie rod assemblies are pretty cheap, so that's the only way I would go now.
If you are replacing the tie rod end anyway, who cares what happens to the nut or threads? Use a Dremel tool with a cutting wheel and slice that nut into two halves. You'll cut the threads up a bit, but who cares? Just use caution to protect the lower A-arm surface. If you cut it most of the way through, you can usually finish it off with a cold chisel.
I believe they're handed - one side or both are LH threads...
Heat and a 50/50 mixture of ATF and acetone, repeat as necessary. Use of a pipe wrench can be good. If all else fails, replacement of the tie-rod complete is next. Borrow the big special socket from someone.
On my wife's 2000 A4 2.8Q I gave up on a couple pinch bolts in the labyrinth of upper links and arms in the front suspension after a few days of heat/penetrants/impact/as much torque as I dared. I talked to a guy at an independent shop which is well regarded in the Audi community and he said "We keep those on hand 'cause we just twist 'em off and drill 'em out. It's the only way"
Needless to say there's still a stack of new Bilstein sport struts/shocks and Voghtland springs in the garage I haven't gotten around to yet.
Ian F
4/13/11 12:34 p.m.
BTDT - MINI's have a similar outer to inner connection that does NOT want to loosen after it's been together for awhile. Replacing both is a lot less work.
ok, going to just replace everything since the other end is probally worn also.. and my wife loves seeing more boxes at the door 
motomoron wrote:
I believe they're handed - one side or both are LH threads...
I bet you've been turning it the wrong way because one side is reverse threaded. Happened to me with my Datsun a couple months ago.
turning the right way - just didn't have enough room under the car - took the tie rods out - put them in my vice and with a big pipe wrench was able to get them removed - got to cheap didn't want to buy new ones...