5/19/17 8:15 a.m.
Bought a simple tow strap to put in the front, in the off chance something happens at a rallycross, and also becauseracecar. Popped the plastic cover off and found a chunk of steel.
Looks like someone got one jammed in good and just cut it off. I tried vice grips and pliers on the vice grips, no luck. It's kinda flush with the bumper so that limits options from the side.
I'm thinking weld a nut or socket on the end and impact? Taking it to the local race shop garage tomorrow so someone with more experience and way more tools at his disposal can work some magic. But thought I'd see if the masses had ideas or their past experiences?
The slow way is to drill it out. The fast way involves heat from an oxyacetylene torch. I'm thinking the bumper cover is going to dictate the slow way.
5/19/17 11:40 a.m.
In reply to APEowner:
I didn't think about drilling it out, if my old Makita cordless had the umph I could have tried that. Guessing the torch is for the housing, not the hook itself?
Weld a socket onto it and spin it out.
5/19/17 12:04 p.m.
Are you turning it the right way? I only say this because I watched my boss try to install the tow hook on an Audi for a few minutes before I informed him it was left had threads. Most manufacturers use standard threads, but maybe Subie is like Audi and like to throw curveballs.
Jerry wrote:
In reply to APEowner:
I didn't think about drilling it out, if my old Makita cordless had the umph I could have tried that. Guessing the torch is for the housing, not the hook itself?
I've removed bolts by cutting them out with the torch but I think that the depth to diameter ratio of the tow hook precludes that approach. I'd heat the housing red hot and then use vice grips or an easy out to pull turn it out.
NEALSMO has a good point about checking the thread direction.
5/19/17 3:56 p.m.
In reply to NEALSMO:
Not 100%. Being that it's chopped off either it's actually stuck, or previous owner also goofed and gave up.
The xb is regular because I put a license plate mount there.
Drill then tap the hole for a bolt that will tighten in the opposite direction of the tow hook threads.
5/19/17 10:42 p.m.
Cut a slot with an angle grinder and use one of those hand impacts you hit with a hammer.
Is there enough room to dig an air chisel into the edge and then rattle it on an angle to hammer it loose?
5/20/17 1:14 p.m.
Irwin Bolt Grip ended up doing the trick. After we tried a few other things of course, couldn't be a 20 minute fix...
Now we're salvaging the old tow hook and welding a cap on the end to put this strap on it. The bolt that came with it was waaaay too short and the wrong thread anyway.