Planning to purchase a car from an individual who moved from Austin, TX to Omaha, NE three years ago. Since the move the car was not tagged in NE, and has been in storage the entire time. I don't think there is going to be a problem for me on assigning the title. He still has the TX title in his name. Is there anything I should be concerned about?
TL,DR; owner moved and didn't title car in new state, but car has had 0 miles in new state in 3 years.
Assuming its in his name, the only concern I'd have is if TX is a state that automatically applies a yearly property tax to vehicles and if they may assess it and put a lien on it. Other than that you should be good to go
2/5/17 10:31 p.m.
The FL DMV won't ever know (or care, or need to know) that the car resided in NE.
As far as it matters, you bought the car in TX with a TX title.
Zero concerns at all. Just did a similar thing with my nephew.
I've actually asked at the courthouse in Texas what to do with a project car. They said you're not required to do anything other than get it inspected before getting it registered in Texas again. I've had cars off the road for an embarrassingly long time without any issues reactivating them.
Thanks all. I wanted to make sure I wasn't just convincing myself this would be fine. The next adventure begins!
Hello, fellow Omaha resident!