So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left?
*For those of us who actually wear underwear.
So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left?
*For those of us who actually wear underwear.
kb58 wrote: So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left? *For those of us who actually wear underwear.
I'm sure all of us own made-in-China stuff, I know I certainly do. The issue at hand here, I think, is the actual knockoff parts being sold as the real deal. An imitation MSD box with MSD logo on it, for instance. Straight-up counterfeiting.
OTOH, Chinese companies making stuff under their own brand that can compete because of price? That's just the free market at work, and I have no problem with it. It's a global market, and there are still ways to beat them by focusing on quality, service, brand reputation, warranty, etc.
Tom_Spangler wrote:kb58 wrote: So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left? *For those of us who actually wear underwear.I'm sure all of us own made-in-China stuff, I know I certainly do. The issue at hand here, I think, is the actual knockoff parts being sold as the real deal. An imitation MSD box with MSD logo on it, for instance. Straight-up counterfeiting. OTOH, Chinese companies making stuff under their own brand that can compete because of price? That's just the free market at work, and I have no problem with it. It's a global market, and there are still ways to beat them by focusing on quality, service, brand reputation, warranty, etc.
Oh man, I almost forgot about Pro Comp:
Their entire product line used to be copy/paste. It may still be. Intakes, heads, fuel pumps, water pumps, all the spitting image of a major manufacturer's product.
kb58 wrote: So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left? *For those of us who actually wear underwear.
Been rolling commando now for at least two years. Feels great. 29 years of suppression and compression can't be good for the baby maker.
Trackmouse wrote:kb58 wrote: So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left? *For those of us who actually wear underwear.Been rolling commando now for at least two years. Feels great. 29 years of suppression and compression can't be good for the baby maker.
Boxers. All the freedom and health benefits of commando, none of the stigma and pants stains
maschinenbau wrote:Trackmouse wrote:Boxers. All the freedom and health benefits of commando, none of the stigma and pants stainskb58 wrote: So if all of us we who are wearing made-in-China underwear* stop typing in this thread, how many would be left? *For those of us who actually wear underwear.Been rolling commando now for at least two years. Feels great. 29 years of suppression and compression can't be good for the baby maker.
I have a strong Highland Scots ancestry, so... I often wear my pants like I wear my kilts. Except on a track day...
If I'm given the choice, its au naturel. When I must abide, I'm all about the boxer briefs.
Regarding knockoffs, I agree with statements above, you cant keep it from happening. The best you can do is offer incredible customer service and warranty work that cannot be beat. The Chinese are going to mimic every move the automotive aftermarket makes. Then, walmart shopping unwashed mouthbreathers are going to cover their clapped out Civics with that garbage. The rest of us will pay a few extra duckets for superior service, and parts that will actually last/keep me safe. When I was 18, I would sort part searches by "Price: Lowest to Highest". Now that I'm a little older, and value quality and service, I sort by "Average Customer Review"
Only time I wear underoos is when wearing a borrowed driving suit.
So that's like once in the last 15 years.
Ah, now I get it, that it's poor duplication of a real item and pretending to be... what, a distributor of said item? Yeah that's totally different.
kb58 wrote: Ah, now I get it, that it's poor) duplication of a real item and pretending to be... what, a distributor of said item? Yeah that's totally different.
Yes. Pretending a lookalike is the real deal or copying something that was actually patentable are both cases of not playing fair. There is room for some level of copying and lookalikes - Panasport wheels, Cragar S/Ss, and Center Line Auto Drag wheels are all themselves "knock offs" that went on to achieve fame in their own right, for example. These were clearly marketed in their own name with their own logos, though, not disguised as Minilites, Torque Thrusts, and Monoques.
MadScientistMatt wrote:kb58 wrote: Ah, now I get it, that it's poor) duplication of a real item and pretending to be... what, a distributor of said item? Yeah that's totally different.Yes. Pretending a lookalike is the real deal or copying something that was actually patentable are both cases of not playing fair. There is room for some level of copying and lookalikes - Panasport wheels, Cragar S/Ss, and Center Line Auto Drag wheels are all themselves "knock offs" that went on to achieve fame in their own right, for example. These were clearly marketed in their own name with their own logos, though, not disguised as Minilites, Torque Thrusts, and Monoques.
basicaly sums up every Rota wheel ever
Wouldn't it be funny if you made, let's say, a JEEP widget. Showed how awesome it it in videos, then display the "product." Only this one is all wrong, with holes in the wrong spots, and is to big/small to ever work in the intended application. Sit back and watch the bootleg copies come flooding in.
Enjoy your useless part you cheap E-Bay bastards and enjoy your E36 M3ty reputation, you Chinese commies.
Apparently a number of people here don't know, or don't care, about the difference between legally protected IP and the public domain.
Appleseed wrote: Wouldn't it be funny if you made, let's say, a JEEP widget. Showed how awesome it it in videos, then display the "product." Only this one is all wrong, with holes in the wrong spots, and is to big/small to ever work in the intended application. Sit back and watch the bootleg copies come flooding in. Enjoy your useless part you cheap E-Bay bastards and enjoy your E36 M3ty reputation, you Chinese commies.![]()
Driven5 wrote: Based on a number of the comments here, some people apparently don't know or don't care about the difference between legally protected IP and the public domain.
Their their, please don’t get to wrapped up in the details. Supposably, people get two caught up in pacifics, irregardless of the real meaning of there point their trying too make. Don’t be a richard
Appleseed wrote: Wouldn't it be funny if you made, let's say, a JEEP widget. Showed how awesome it it in videos, then display the "product." Only this one is all wrong, with holes in the wrong spots, and is to big/small to ever work in the intended application. Sit back and watch the bootleg copies come flooding in. Enjoy your useless part you cheap E-Bay bastards and enjoy your E36 M3ty reputation, you Chinese commies.![]()
Wouldn't mean that the knockoff parts have a higher chance of actually fitting?
Saw a HF flyer that had this "Earthquake" impact gun in it that everyone here keeps talking about.
Damned if it doesn't look like a Chinese clone of the IR2131XQ.
It's not just the aftermarket auto industry that suffers from IP theft. The Chinese have been at it with everything under the sun. Programming code, software, manufacturing, etc etc etc. Corporate espionage is insane these days. I mean look at the Chinese T-50 fighter jet. Tell me they didn't get some good blue prints to the F-22 or F-35 to make a mishmash of those jets.
If i wasn't already a North American of White Western European ancestry who by no real work of his own takes full benefit from what White Western European 'global trade practices' have done for North America, then i'd TOTALLY steal whatever i wanted from America.
But even though i had nothing to do with it, my parentage and the 14th amendment have rendered me immune to the temptations to either move to America or steal Americans' 'hard work' and take it somewhere else (because im already here and i would just keep whatever i stole here), so luckily i can fit in with this thread!
I for one do wear underwear, but that's to control the amount of attention i get. Still, my students have made me slightly self conscious about swinging a hammer at a car on a lift, which i swear was never actually sexual before.
Now there's a quality post.
Appleseed wrote: Wouldn't it be funny if you made, let's say, a JEEP widget. Showed how awesome it it in videos, then display the "product." Only this one is all wrong, with holes in the wrong spots, and is to big/small to ever work in the intended application. Sit back and watch the bootleg copies come flooding in. Enjoy your useless part you cheap E-Bay bastards and enjoy your E36 M3ty reputation, you Chinese commies.![]()
someone needs to do this..
It's not necessarily the Chinese. We had one of our dealers knock off a product we designed in-house, then he had the balls to approach us and offer to sell his cheaper version. Yes, his are made in China vs our American made parts, but it wasn't the Chinese that ripped off the design.
We have the choice of either going to the same Chinese manufacturer and trying to compete on price in a race to the bottom, or making ours even better and competing on design - while squeezing our American supplier for some better pricing at the same time.
Keith Tanner wrote: It's not necessarily the Chinese. We had one of our dealers knock off a product we designed in-house, then he had the balls to approach us and offer to sell his cheaper version. Yes, his are made in China vs our American made parts, but it wasn't the Chinese that ripped off the design. We have the choice of either going to the same Chinese manufacturer and trying to compete on price in a race to the bottom, or making ours even better and competing on design - while squeezing our American supplier for some better pricing at the same time.
I know of a certain company that did something similar with suspension kits. They convinced an existing manufacturer to repackage suspension kits with the company's own artwork and sell it as their own. Once the repackaging company started selling enough kits to make their name known, they shipped all the components to their overseas guys and made knockoffs. The repackaging company then turned around and offered to sell the original company the knockoffs at a cheaper price! The repackaging company didn't have to spend a dime on engineering or design, just copied the kit parts. Sometimes I'm shocked there aren't flat out fist fights on the SEMA show floor every year over stuff like that.
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