Does this mean no more Youtube? With a million plus views per episode I thought he was probably doing quite well financially. Hard to see many subscribers following him over, and hard to see how he can create double the content. I quite enjoy his drag them out of the bushes and get them home stories.
No he hasn't.
He has said that his content will continue aside from the new endeavor.
Am I the only one that finds him annoying? He may be a great guy but his you tube persona is so annoying. I feel dumber and feel like I have been talked down to all wrapped up in one when I try and watch his content. It is like watching a male version of ant Mable in the kitchen trying to save a burnt pie with those cutesy little sayings.
I just don't understand what makes him so popular. Obviously he is doing something right. Maybe this is really an indictment of society. He definitely found a audience starving for this kind of content.
Wait. The new show is on motor trend. That explains things a bit. The quality of motortrend programming has been aimed lower and lower over the last couple years to the point that there really is nothing on motortrend that I care to watch any more. I just hope motortrend does not cause him to crash and burn down everything he has worked to build. I think motortrend needs him more than he needs them.
I dislike his invented language but every YouTuber needs a schtick and that is his. He is a very good mechanic and will tackle anything and get it hundreds of miles from where most people would have given up and called a tow. I enjoy watching that and I hope to continue without buying Motortrend.
In reply to dean1484 :
No you're not the only one. Can't stand him. I won't watch.
Whomever is charge of "programming " needs to realize reality tv sucks. It's kind of dry, but the 900 series on mavtv is pretty interesting to me. There needs to be more shows like that imo.
You aren't from Minnesota are you?
9/15/22 8:10 a.m.
I'm really surprised anyone finds him annoying, but different strokes, I suppose. He has developed a 'character' over time that is a lot like Red Green. I LOL frequently, and actually anticipate his terminology and folksy-ness. And, his subscriber numbers clearly show those of you who don't care for his schtick are in the minority. I'd be curious to hear what you would consider a 'good' car show, because most of them really suck.
A large portion of his popularity is also because of his ethics, something rarely seen on TV or YouTube.
He's made it very clear that the MT show will not replace VGG. VGG is his main source of income and he really enjoys doing what he does.
Derek Bieri and David Freiburger are probably the two biggest reasons I returned to working on car projects. I'd become dismayed with modern vehicles and always thought old stuff had to be restored to perfection to provide the fun I was seeking. Nope. I've totally embraced leaving paint as-is and focusing on making it fun to drive and reliable. The next guy can have the 'joy' of sanding for hours, painting and buffing paint only to worry about it getting a stone chip. I'm having the time of my life right now, and it's because of these guys plus Kevin at Junkyard Digs and Dylan McCool that have made cars fun again.
In reply to ddavidv :
While I don't watch any of those shows, ( I prefer Calvin Nelson ) The whole movement away from flawless paint and to simplicity is where I'm at. That's why I'm here at GRM
I Love the whole idea of the $2000 challenge even if I'm not doing it right now. I will be there following my retirement. In the meantime Jeff and Erick can take the Jaguar there and have fun with it if they want.
When I read the thread title, I thought something bad happened to the guy.
Sorry about the misleading title. I am happy to hear he plans to stick with YouTube but I am still thinking that he is one guy and to do well on YouTube you need to put out very regular watchable content. And of course Motor Trend is also going to require the same thing so I expect one of the two platforms must suffer.
I can see how the character is a little much to handle for some people, I have family in the UP so it's not too foreign to me. He mentioned in one of his recent videos that the Motortrend show was going to be almost exclusively revivals and the hardest part about him doing revivals on his own is the filming and production value. I'm hoping it's more like early Roadkill and he has creative control over the show. I was about to let my Motortrend subscription lapse until I heard about this and Alex Taylor on HRG.
I prefer JYD, couldn't get into the schtick of VGG. Also watched them sand and paint a car in a closed pole barn huffing crud the entire time, just put me off.
I can say with no fear of retribution that I have never seen a single episode.
I actually love a guy. His schtick is approachable. I think he's funny. Someone mentioned Red Green. Exactly.
I too have gotten back to looking forward to working on my vehicles because of him and Freiberger. I understand that with time and patience and a little work I can get my vehicles running and do so reliably.
And Alex Taylor is a breath of fresh air.
Cousin_Eddie (Forum Supporter) said:
No he hasn't.
He has said that his content will continue aside from the new endeavor.
There aren't enough hours in the day. I can guarantee he's putting in full time hours on his YouTube. Probably more. That has to be a hell of a lot of work.
I really like VGG and hope things stay good at both venues.
Appleseed said:
You aren't from Minnesota are you?
I'm from Minnesota. His episodes are okay but I don't like his schtick - just like the movie Fargo, we don't actually talk that way here. I have to turn down the volume to watch.
9/15/22 6:32 p.m.
I like his channel too. It does get a little repetetive, but it's easy entertainment with a few fix it tidbits thrown in.
Not so much the words, but the way they are said. The cadence. There are people in my family who sound exactly like Derrick, so I barely notice.
I, too, like a guy. The recent move to hour and a half episodes has counted me out, but, yeah, he seems pretty inclusive of all vehicles, people, and walks of life. In that light, the "Constitutional" big block was pretty sweet from my point of view.
I really enjoy his content, I do not watch all of it (alot of it is waaaayy too long for my available time) but I like the shtick...its amusing to me.
But you can tell he genuinely knows his E36 M3, and I really like it caters to older stuff and not also into the boring LS swap movement. Classic engines.
If I didnt just delete MotorTrend because they dropped the real TopGear and Dirt Every Day, id watch it. Roadkill is entertaining but I do not seek it, as its kinda leveled off. Faster with Finnegan is fun to watch, but not a show I seek out. I do miss Engine Masters however.
9/15/22 8:34 p.m.
I have never watched VGG, but it sounds a lot like a SleeperDude video which I like. Plus he seems to pick up on cars that interest me like Turbo Coupes that have been sitting for 20 years.
I was really disappointed to see Alex Taylor and Derek sign deals with Motortrend, because getting involved with Motortrend seems to have gone poorly for most people that have attempted it and I like these people. Alex seems to have already been bitten by "Motortrend wanted my car at an event but it went to E36 M3 because I didn't have time to prepare it properly due to their nonsense scheduling".