People are really mad about a free fix that will maybe cost only a handfull of HP? Hell, its looking like you might get a brand new exhaust system out of it. The resale of your car is already hurt, its hurt because a few months ago everyone thought they were clean efficient cars, turns out they were sold lies by VW and EPA, doing what regulators do, exposed the lies and is trying to make the company deliver the product that was promised. So on that front you are mad that someone exposed the lie that you bought into? You are mad at the person who exposed that lie?
As far as ranting against the existence of the EPA, lets consider how they (and other influences like them) have impacted the market over history.
If you go back to the (early) 1970's you will note that cars were getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The fuel crunch in a matter of a few short years had a drastic impact on cars, providing a market drive towards small and more efficient cars. Yeah, this has been mourned as it was the death of the muscle car era, but there was a trade off (I will get to it).
There was also the clean air act. In that era it was becoming apparent that pollution was problematic. Smog was a thing, the numbers were showing a scary increase in respiratory illnesses in city areas. It didnt take much for the impact of automobile emissions to be found as the source of a decent chunk of this problem. Consider that there were a LOT fewer cars on the road in 1970 than there are now and they were able to cause these kinds of problems in areas. Consider that these trouble areas were an indicator, an early warning sign. Think what we would be breathing if you take the polution level of those cars and then expand it to cover the number of cars on the road today. The pocketed problems would be widespread and the trouble pockets would be almost uninhabitable.
There were some problems as suddenly drivetrains needed to be a LOT more fuel efficient and they needed to start addressing the smog (emissions) issue. Engines got smaller, exhausts more restrictive. They didnt have the technology we do now. Performance SUFFERED. Yeah, it sucks that it had to suffer, but it was better to suffer and start getting things fixed than to ignore it.
The tradeoff: we needed improvements in the technology, these improvements and developements take time. In a capitalistic system, there also has to be a reason for the investment. Today we can build an 800hp Dodge Hellcat that complies with emissions standards that are much tougher than they faced then and can deliver 22mpg on the highway. Hell, a 426 hemi powered 1970 charger could only give 11mpg and 425hp while practically barfing pollution.
Massive improvements in engine management came about.
Fuel Injection: Everyone thought it would be the death of performance, go back in time and explain megasquirt and their heads would explode!
Forced induction! All the power of a much larger engine with the efficiency of the smaller engine in cruising state.
Cars got SMALLER: Compare a car from 1970 to 1980, they shrank! We actually see it as an improvement here. Smaller, lighter cars just perform better.
And so we turn to the current era. Global warming... yeah, the argument still exists. Thing is this, the population and the number of cars on the road is not going down. We have just gotten through another fuel crunch. Just a few years ago gas was almost double the price it is now. Technology had progressed to allow cars to meet the standards and begin to bloat. 1990-2000 cars got bigger. 2000-2010, bigger still. The dawn of the SUV, how many people do you see daily driving a monster SUV? It isnt just a green thing. If we cannot use oil more efficiently we are vulnerable to getting caught with our pants down. The oil wont hold out forever and the technology will have to be developed. Would you rather pay for that development a little over a long time or much more suddenly for a poorer solution that didnt have as much time to be thought out. We (as a society) need to wean off of oil, it wont last forever. Are electrics the answer? Biofuels? Fuel Cells? These are the questions that are being figured out as a result of this drive you are resisting.
Does the drive need the brakes pumped occasionally? Sure, yeah, every drive does. But I dont think you can argue that the drive should be stopped, that we dont need to reach that destination.
TLDR; if we didnt have EPA emissions and CAFE we would have

and this

rather than

and this